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[英]How do I parse a JSON file with multiple arrays?

So I have a JSON File with multiple arrays. 所以我有一个带有多个数组的JSON文件。 "data" contains a whole bunch of words that contain "clues" to each word. “数据”包含一大堆单词,每个单词都包含“线索”。 I've parsed up a JSON file with one array but I'm unsure of how to parse this up. 我已经解析了一个数组的JSON文件,但不确定如何解析它。 I know that JSONObjects are surrounded by {} and JSONArrays are surrounded by [], so "data" should be a JSONObject and each word an array. 我知道JSONObjects被{}包围,而JSONArrays被[]包围,因此“数据”应该是一个JSONObject,每个单词都是一个数组。

       "put down",
       "cut down",
       "let up",
      "monastery head",
      "monastic title",

I can parse up a JSON file with a singular array and create objects from the data as such: 我可以解析具有单个数组的JSON文件,并从数据中创建对象,如下所示:

JSONObject allThings = loadJSONObject("filename.json");
JSONArray arr = getJSONArray("titleofarray");
for (int x = 0; x<=arr.size(); x++){
    String fieldOne = arr.getJSONObject(x).getString("firstField");
    int fieldTwo = arr.getJSONObject(x).getInt("secondField");

Can I create an ArrayList of JSONArrays and add each array in the file to that ArrayList with a for-each? 我可以创建一个JSONArrays的ArrayList并使用for-each将文件中的每个数组添加到该ArrayList吗? Sorry if I'm not 100% clear on my question, it's hard to phrase a question about something you don't understand, but if you need clarification, please let me know, I'd be glad to explain in further detail. 抱歉,如果我不能百分百清楚我的问题,很难说出您不理解的问题,但是如果您需要澄清,请告诉我,我很乐意进一步详细解释。

Edit: I'm using Processing/Java 编辑:我正在使用处理/ Java

In addition to Kevin's answer, you can iterate over the JSONObject's keys() : 除了Kevin的答案,您还可以遍历JSONObject的keys()

  JSONObject associative = loadJSONObject("associative.json");
  JSONObject associativeData = associative.getJSONObject("data"); 

  ArrayList<JSONArray> listA = new ArrayList<JSONArray>(); 

  for(Object key : associativeData.keys()){
    String keyName = (String)key;
    JSONArray data = associativeData.getJSONArray(keyName);


associative.json: associative.json:

       "put down",
       "cut down"
       "let up"
      "monastery head",
      "monastic title"


You could also re-organize your JSON data so it fits your goal. 您还可以重新组织JSON数据,使其符合您的目标。 Currently you have words and synonyms in a JSON object (associative array). 当前,您在JSON对象(关联数组)中具有单词和同义词。 You could easily convert that to a JSON array and structure the data so it's easy to access/parse. 您可以轻松地将其转换为JSON数组并结构化数据,以便轻松访问/解析。 For example: array.json 例如:array.json

         "put down",
         "cut down"
           "let up"
          "monastery head",
          "monastic title"

You can still make an ArrayList if you want to, but you shouldn't really need it, you can easily access each word and synonyms directly. 如果愿意,您仍然可以创建一个ArrayList,但实际上并不需要它,可以轻松地直接访问每个单词和同义词。 It should be simpler not having to convert/parse and just access what you need: 不必转换/解析并仅访问所需的内容,应该会更简单:

ArrayList<JSONArray> listB = new ArrayList<JSONArray>(); 

  JSONObject array = loadJSONObject("array.json");
  JSONArray arrayData = array.getJSONArray("data");
  for(int i = 0 ; i < arrayData.size(); i++){
    JSONObject data = arrayData.getJSONObject(i);



Update here's an example that renders the text on screen: 更新这里是一个在屏幕上呈现文本的示例:

import processing.data.*;

void setup(){

  int textX = 10;
  int textY = 20;

  JSONObject array = loadJSONObject("array.json");
  JSONArray arrayData = array.getJSONArray("data");
  for(int i = 0 ; i < arrayData.size(); i++){
    JSONObject data = arrayData.getJSONObject(i);
    String word = data.getString("word");
    JSONArray synonyms = data.getJSONArray("synonyms");

    //render on screen
    for(int j = 0 ; j < synonyms.size(); j++){
      String synonym = synonyms.getString(j);
      text(synonym,textX,textY + (textY * (j+1)));

    //increment x position for next word
    textX += 100;



Update 2 Here's an encapsulation example that uses a proof of concept hint display when hovering over a word: 更新2这是一个封装示例,将鼠标悬停在一个单词上时使用概念证明提示显示:

import processing.data.*;

ArrayList<Word> words = new ArrayList<Word>(); 

void setup(){

  int textX = 10;
  int textY = 20;

  JSONObject array = loadJSONObject("array.json");
  JSONArray arrayData = array.getJSONArray("data");
  for(int i = 0 ; i < arrayData.size(); i++){
    JSONObject data = arrayData.getJSONObject(i);
    String word = data.getString("word");
    JSONArray synonyms = data.getJSONArray("synonyms");

    words.add(new Word(textX,textY,"hint #"+(i+1),data));

    //increment x position for next word
    textX += 100;


void draw(){
  for(Word word : words){

class Word{
  String hint = "...";
  JSONObject data;

  float x,y;
  float textWidth;
  float textHeight = 20;

  Word(float x,float y,String hint,JSONObject data){
    this.x = x;
    this.y = y;
    this.hint = hint;
    this.data = data;
    textWidth = textWidth(data.getString("word"));

  void draw(){
    String word = data.getString("word");
    JSONArray synonyms = data.getJSONArray("synonyms");
    for(int j = 0 ; j < synonyms.size(); j++){
      String synonym = synonyms.getString(j);
      text(synonym,x,y + (textHeight * (j+1)));
    //hint tooltip
    //if mouse within word bounding box
    if((mouseX >= x && mouseX <= x + textWidth) &&
       (mouseY >= y-textHeight && mouseY <= y)){
         //render the text at mouse coordinates
         //be aware that y is the base of the text -> be sure to check out the reference for text functions (e.g. textAscent(),textDescent(),etc.)



Break your problem down into smaller steps. 将您的问题分解为更小的步骤。

Step 1: Can you get to the data object inside the JSON? 步骤1:您能否进入JSON中的data对象?

You can do this by calling the loadJSONObject() function to load all of the JSON, then calling getJSONObject() to get to the data object: 您可以通过调用loadJSONObject()函数来加载所有JSON,然后调用getJSONObject()来获取data对象来做到这一点:

JSONObject json = loadJSONObject("data.json"); JSONObject json = loadJSONObject(“ data.json”); JSONObject data = json.getJSONObject("data"); JSONObject data = json.getJSONObject(“ data”); println(data); 的println(数据);

Step 2: Can you get to the three fields inside the data object? 步骤2:您能否进入data对象内的三个字段?

I don't think there's a standard, out-of-the-box way to loop over each of the fields using Processing's JSONObject . 我认为没有一种标准的,即用的方法可以使用Processing的JSONObject遍历每个字段。 So you'll have to get them manually: 因此,您必须手动获取它们:

JSONObject json = loadJSONObject("data.json");
JSONObject data = json.getJSONObject("data");
JSONArray abase = data.getJSONArray("abase");
JSONArray abate = data.getJSONArray("abate");
JSONArray abbot = data.getJSONArray("abbot");

Step 3: Now that you have the JSONArray instances, what do you want to do with them? 步骤3:现在您有了JSONArray实例,您要如何处理它们?

Once you have the JSONArray instances, you can do whatever you want with them, including looping over each of them and adding their contents to a single ArrayList . 拥有JSONArray实例后,就可以对它们执行任何操作,包括遍历每个实例并将其内容添加到单个ArrayList

If you want to write code that loops over the fields themselves, then you'll have to write that yourself. 如果要编写循环遍历字段本身的代码,则必须自己编写。 Googling "Java get json object field names" returns a ton of results. 谷歌搜索“ Java get json对象字段名称”将返回大量结果。

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