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[英]Transfering my cordova project to Xcode

I am transfering my project to xcode (I was working previously in windows). 我正在将项目传输到xcode(我以前在Windows中工作)。 I have copied the WWW file and do the following steps. 我已经复制了WWW文件并执行以下步骤。

$sudo npm install -g cordova
$cordova create hello com.example.hello HelloWorld
$cd hello
$ cordova platform add ios

And I open the project in 然后我在打开项目


So, where should I copy my www folder: 所以,我应该在哪里复制我的www文件夹:

1) In the hello/www ? 1)在hello / www中? or 要么

2) hello/platforms/ios/www? 2)你好/平台/ ios / www? or both? 或两者?

Also, what happens with the config.xml should i change both? 另外,我应该同时更改config.xml会发生什么?

I tried copying on both but it didnt work. 我尝试了两者复制,但是没有用。

What I am missing? 我缺少什么?

Thank you 谢谢

please follow the following steps : 请按照以下步骤操作:

$cordova create hello com.example.hello HelloWorld
$cd hello/

Then you got the following structure in your project folder 然后,您的项目文件夹中具有以下结构


Then just places your existing files in www ( hello/www ) folder and installed the plugins which you are needed in the project. 然后只需将现有文件放在www( hello / www )文件夹中,并安装项目中所需的插件即可。

$cordova platform add ios

Then open your xcodeproj file in xcode 然后在xcode中打开您的xcodeproj文件


And then click on build and test application on simulator. 然后单击在模拟器上构建和测试应用程序。

Hopes this will help you !! 希望这对您有帮助!

复制到hello / www和hello / platforms / ios / www文件夹中,不要尝试在config.xml中进行更改。在我的情况下,我复制了www文件夹并将其粘贴到hello / www和hello / platforms / ios /中。 www,然后我将打开终端并首先构建它并对其进行仿真,然后它会工作。

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