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[英]list of string to int conversion

I want to convert a list of python elements from str to int . 我想将python元素liststr转换为int

My initial list looks like this: 我的初始列表如下所示:

l1 = ['723', '124', '1,211', '356']

The code I tried: 我试过的代码:

l1 =  list(map(int, l1))

Resulted in an error that tells me: 导致出现一个错误,告诉我:

ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10: '1,211'

Alternatively, I tried map ing with float : 另外,我尝试使用float map

l1 =  list(map(float, l1))

but, this also resulted in an error: 但是,这也会导致错误:

ValueError: could not convert string to float: '1,211'

I have tried both int and float in the code using map function. 我已经尝试使用map函数在代码中同时使用intfloat Can anyone correct me on where I'm going wrong. 谁能纠正我在哪里出错了。

Mapping either int or float to a value containing ',' will fail as converting str s to floats or ints has the requirement that they represent correctly formed numbers (Python doesn't allow ',' as separators for floats or for thousands, it conflicts with tuples) intfloat映射到包含','的值将失败,因为将str转换为float或int要求它们代表正确格式的数字(Python不允许使用','作为float 数千的分隔符,这会发生冲突与元组)

If ',' is a thousands separator, use replace(',', '') (as @tobias_k noted) in the comprehension you supply to map and apply the int immediately: 如果','是一个千位分隔符,请在提供的理解中使用replace(',', '') (如@tobias_k所示)以立即map并应用int

r = list(map(int , (i.replace(',', '') for i in l1)))

to get a wanted result for r of: 获得以下的r的通缉结果:

[723, 124, 1211, 356]

Do it with a simple list comprehension. 通过简单的列表理解即可做到。

>>> l1 = ['723', '124', '1,211', '356']
>>> [int(i.replace(',','')) for i in l1]
[723, 124, 1211, 356]

This might help: 这可能会有所帮助:

l1 = ['723', '124', '1,211', '356']
l1 = [int(i.replace(',','')) for i in l1]
for x in l1:

Output: 输出:


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