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[英]Assigning functions to variables in javascript?

I used to have something like the following ... 我曾经有类似以下的东西......

var setFoo = function (value1) {
    window.localStorage.setItem('foo1', value1);

var setFoo2 = function (value2) {
    window.localStorage.setItem('foo2', value2);

.. however, I found that I was constantly doing ... ..然而,我发现我一直在做......

window.localStorage.setItem('something', value);

... so I decided to turn it into a function ... ......所以我决定把它变成一个功能......

function genericSetFoo(name, value) {
    window.localStorage.setItem(name, value);

... and have the following instead ... ......而且还有以下内容......

var setFoo = genericSetFoo('foo1', value1);
var setFoo2 = genericSetFoo('foo2', value2);

... however, now when I try to call setFoo1(value1) or setFoo2(value2) , the application complains of value1 and value2 being undefined . ...但是,现在当我尝试调用setFoo1(value1)setFoo2(value2) ,应用程序会抱怨value1value2 undefined What am I doing wrong? 我究竟做错了什么? I mean I could still do ... 我的意思是我还能做......

var setFoo = function(value1) { genericSetFoo('foo1', value1) };
var setFoo2 = function(value2) { genericSetFoo('foo2', value2) };

... and it works too... but it defeats the whole point if I have to redefine the function in any case. ......它也有效......但是如果我必须在任何情况下重新定义函数,它都会失败。 So how do I tackle this? 那么我该如何解决这个问题呢?

You can use .bind() in this situation. 在这种情况下,您可以使用.bind() This technique is known as "partial function evaluation": 这种技术被称为“部分功能评估”:

var setFoo = genericSetFoo.bind(null, 'foo1');
var setFoo2 = genericSetFoo.bind(null, 'foo2');


If you're using lodash or underscore, you can use _.partial() which is different from .bind in that it doesn't require that first argument and doesn't rebind the this value: 如果您使用的是lodash或下划线,则可以使用与.bind不同的_.partial() ,因为它不需要第一个参数,也不会重新绑定this值:

var setFoo = _.partial(genericSetFoo, 'foo1');
var setFoo2 = _.partial(genericSetFoo, 'foo2');

What am I doing wrong? 我究竟做错了什么?

You're calling window.localStorage.setItem() instead of returning a function that calls window.localStorage.setItem() . 你打电话window.localStorage.setItem()而不是返回调用一个函数window.localStorage.setItem() Remember, when you call a function and assign it to a variable you are assigning the return value of that function , not the function itself. 请记住,当您调用函数并将其分配给变量时,您将分配该函数的返回值 ,而不是函数本身。

For example, when you do: 例如,当你这样做时:

function a () { return 2 };

var two = a();

.. do you expect the variable two to be 2 or a function? ..你期望变量two2还是函数? Another example, if you do: 另一个例子,如果你这样做:

var x = document.getElementById('foo');

.. do you expect the variable x to contain a DOM element or a function? ..你期望变量x包含DOM元素或函数吗?

So, you need to return a function instead of calling a function: 因此,您需要返回一个函数而不是调用函数:

function genericSetFoo(name) {
    return function (value) {
        window.localStorage.setItem(name, value);

So now you can do: 所以现在你可以这样做:

var setFoo1 = genericSetFoo('foo1');

What I am doing wrong? 我做错了什么?

When you do: 当你这样做时:

var setFoo = genericSetFoo('foo1', value1);

you are invoking genericSetFoo() and assigning the value returned from it to setFoo . 您正在调用genericSetFoo()并将从其返回的值分配给setFoo However since value1 is undefined at the time of initializing setFoo (and thereby invoking genericSetFoo() ) you get an undefined error when window.localStorage.setItem(name, value) tries to use the argument passed to its value parameter. 但是,由于value1在初始化setFooundefined (从而调用genericSetFoo() ),因此当window.localStorage.setItem(name, value)尝试使用传递给其value参数的参数时,会收到undefined错误。

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