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在R Vector中找到16个最大值

[英]finding 16 largest values in R Vector

Given the R code below , I was wondering how to create two columns such that the 16 largest values of LR and their corresponding xs when "x" is bounded between .4 and .8 be shown? 给定下面的R代码 ,我想知道如何创建两列,以便当“ x”介于0.4和0.8之间时显示LR的16个最大值及其对应的xs吗? ( a column for x & a column for the corresponding LR )? x 的列和对应的LR的列 )?

LR <- dbeta(x,h+1,n-h+1)/max(dbeta(x,h+1,n-h+1))

I'm trying the following, but can't create the two columns: 我正在尝试以下操作,但是无法创建两列:

head(sort(LR[which(x<=.8 & x>=.4)], decreasing=TRUE), 16)


sort(LR[x <= .8 & x >= .4],decreasing = TRUE)[1:16]

Here is a way using dplyr : 这是使用dplyr的方法:

df <- data.frame(x, LR)
df1 <- df %>%
  filter((x >= 0.4) & (x <= 0.8)) %>% 
  top_n(16, LR)

# to save the data
write.csv(df1, "abc.csv", row.names=FALSE)

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