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[英]Google Forms Fail To Unlink from Sheet (Broken)

hope someone can assist with this one. 希望有人可以帮忙。

We have created an app for a clients that creates pre-populated Google Forms linked back to a common spreadsheet with other sheets linked to forms. 我们已经为客户创建了一个应用程序,该应用程序创建了预填充的Google表单,这些表单又链接回常见的电子表格,而其他表单也链接到了表单。 As the Form are completed the script locates the corresponding Forms, opens the Form and unlinks the Form from the spreadsheet. 填写完表格后,脚本将找到相应的表格,打开表格并取消表格与电子表格的链接。 Then the sheet for the unlinked Form is removed from the spreadsheet 然后将未链接的表单的工作表从电子表格中删除

99% of the time this works as expected however at times the sheet can not be delete and the Form can not be unlinked removed by code or manually. 99%的时间可以按预期工作,但是有时无法通过代码或手动删除工作表并且无法取消链接表单。

We also get sheets with a conflict message appended to the sheet name. 我们还获得了在工作表名称后附加冲突消息的工作表。 Eg this is the 12,454th Form created and linked to the spreadsheet and the sheet name is "Form responses 12454_conflict1685393126" when it should be "Form responses 12454" These Forms also can not be Unlinked. 例如,这是创建并链接到电子表格的第12,454个表单,并且工作表名称应为“表单响应12454”时为“表单响应12454_conflict1685393126”,也不能取消链接这些表单。

Has anyone found a solution to this issue? 有没有人找到解决此问题的方法?

You may want to check on this thread . 您可能要检查此线程 It suggested to do some workarounds which might help: 它建议采取一些变通办法,这可能会有所帮助:

This link might also help. 链接也可能有帮助。

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