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PHP 5.6升级后的PHPMyadmin HTTP 500

[英]PHPMyadmin HTTP 500 after PHP 5.6 upgrade

I am in need of assistance. 我需要协助。 I am unable to access phpMyAdmin on my DO VPS after just recently upgrading the system to PHP5.6. 在最近将系统升级到PHP5.6之后,我无法在DO VPS上访问phpMyAdmin。 I have done a lot of research over the past few day but to no avail. 在过去的几天里,我做了很多研究,但无济于事。 I want to list out everything that I have to do to see if anybody has any words of wisdom. 我想列出我要做的一切,看看是否有人有智慧的话。 The most recent this I attempted I found in this SO Answer 我在本SO答案中找到的最新内容

Internal server error (HTTP Error 500) after installing phpmyadmin on a certain domain 在特定域上安装phpmyadmin后出现内部服务器错误(HTTP错误500)

I checked my Apache Logs and this line stood out 我检查了我的Apache日志,这一行脱颖而出

[Tue Nov 29 02:42:20.684526 2016] [:error] [pid 12443] [client] PHP Fatal error:  require_once(): Failed opening required './libraries/php-gettext/gettext.inc' (include_path='.') in /usr/share/phpmyadmin/libraries/select_lang.lib.php on line 395

So I did the following: 所以我做了以下事情:

sudo apt-get install php5.6-gettext

And received the following response 并收到以下回复

Note, selecting 'php5.6-common' instead of 'php5.6-gettext'
php5.6-common is already the newest version.
php5.6-common set to manually installed.

I would like to point out an oddity that may assist. 我想指出一个可能会有所帮助的奇怪之处。

Everytime I restart Apache I get this Warning: 每次重新启动Apache时,都会收到以下警告:

[Tue Nov 29 02:42:11.553293 2016] [so:warn] [pid 12438] AH01574: module php5_module is already loaded, skipping

Can anybody assist me with this? 有人可以协助我吗?

Here is my Vhost for phpMyAdmin 这是我的phpMyAdmin虚拟主机

<VirtualHost *:80>
        ServerAdmin admin@localhost
        DocumentRoot "/usr/share/phpmyadmin"
        ServerName pma.example.net

        ErrorLog "/var/log/pma-error.log"
        CustomLog "/var/log/pma-access.log" combined

        <Directory "/usr/share/phpmyadmin">
                Options Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews
                AllowOverride All
                Order allow,deny
                Allow from all


Not only am I unable to access at the sub domain that I have set up I am also unable to access it from [Server IP Address]/phpmyadmin 我不仅无法访问已设置的子域,也无法从[服务器IP地址] / phpmyadmin访问它

I receive an HTTP 500. 我收到HTTP 500。

Thank you. 谢谢。

One thing that may solve the problem is to remove PHPMyAdmin, and reinstall it. 可能解决此问题的一件事是删除PHPMyAdmin,然后重新安装。

sudo apt-get remove phpmyadmin

sudo apt-get install phpmyadmin

By doing this, you'll give Ubuntu a chance to install the appropriate dependencies for phpmyadmin. 这样,您将为Ubuntu提供一个为phpmyadmin安装适当的依赖项的机会。 Chances are, this will configure your packages in further ways that just installing a newer PHP version doesn't. 很有可能,这将以其他方式配置您的软件包,而仅仅是安装更新的PHP版本就不会。

I think you should run http://pma.example.net 我认为您应该运行http://pma.example.net

And restarted Apache: 并重新启动Apache:

sudo service apache2 restart sudo服务apache2重新启动

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