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Excel VBA:保护我的工作表显着减慢了我的vba代码

[英]Excel VBA: protecting my worksheets slows down my vba code significantly

I am very new to VBA and have basically taught myself while building my current Excel 'contract'. 我对VBA很新,并且在构建我当前的Excel“合同”时基本上自学了。 My goal is have a list of contract options which are shown or hidden depending on their representative check boxes. 我的目标是有一个合同选项列表,根据其代表性复选框显示或隐藏。 There are 12 total options with ranges that I show/remove across 4 worksheets. 总共有12个选项,我在4个工作表中显示/删除范围。

In terms of organization, I have utilized modules based on each action. 在组织方面,我已经根据每个行动使用了模块。 I also named all my ranges 我还命名了所有范围

Prior to me protecting my worksheet, when I select a checkbox, all 4 ranges across all 4 worksheets immediately show. 在我保护工作表之前,当我选中一个复选框时,所有4个工作表中的所有4个范围都会立即显示。 When I unselect, they immediately clear their contents and hide. 当我取消选择时,他们立即清除其内容并隐藏。 Yay! 好极了!

Once I protect my worksheet, however, things either slow down to a crawl or I get an error. 但是,一旦我保护我的工作表,事情要么慢下来要么爬行,否则我会收到错误。 In my ProtectWorksheet module below, the commented out lines work, but from reading other stack overflow articles it seens better to use the code I have. 在下面的ProtectWorksheet模块中,注释掉的行可以工作,但是通过阅读其他堆栈溢出文章,它可以更好地使用我拥有的代码。 Unprotected, it works great. 不受保护,效果很好。 Protected I get the "Error 1004': Unable to set the Hidden property of the Range class". 受保护我得到“错误1004”:无法设置Range类的隐藏属性“。 If I instead use my commented out code while protected, it works but is super slow. 如果我在受保护的情况下使用我注释掉的代码,它可以工作,但速度非常慢。

Technically I can get everything to work...but from a user interface stance it's terrible. 从技术上讲,我可以让一切工作......但从用户界面的立场来看,这很糟糕。

Below is the 1st contract option I have been testing. 以下是我一直在测试的第一个合同选项。 Please and thank you for any and all help! 请感谢您的帮助!

under the Excel Objects - sheet2(Data Input) 在Excel对象下 - sheet2(数据输入)

Private Sub chkDomesticHotWater_Click()


Application.ScreenUpdating = False

Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual

  If chkDomesticHotWater = True Then
    'Remove the lines, clear the data, and move the mouse to the top
  End If

Application.ScreenUpdating = True

Application.Calculation = xlCalculationAutomatic


End Sub

under the Module: Checkboxes 在模块下:复选框

 Sub AddDomesticHotWater()
    [DataInput_DomesticHotWater].EntireRow.Hidden = False
    [Contract_DomesticHotWater].EntireRow.Hidden = False
    [Invoice_DomesticHotWater].EntireRow.Hidden = False
    [ExpectedCost_DomesticHotWater].EntireRow.Hidden = False
 End Sub
 Sub RemoveDomesticHotWater()
    [DataInput_DomesticHotWater].EntireRow.Hidden = True
    [Contract_DomesticHotWater].EntireRow.Hidden = True
    [Invoice_DomesticHotWater].EntireRow.Hidden = True
    [ExpectedCost_DomesticHotWater].EntireRow.Hidden = True
 End Sub

Under the Module ClearData 在Module ClearData下

Sub ClearDomesticHotWater()
  For Each cell In Selection
    If cell.Interior.Color = RGB(226, 239, 218) Then
    End If
End Sub

under the Module ProtectWorksheet 在模块ProtectWorksheet下

Sub ProtectON()
Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim pwd As String

pwd = "123" ' Put your password here
For Each ws In Worksheets
  ws.Protect Password:=pwd, UserInterfaceOnly:=True
Next ws

'Worksheets("Data Input").Protect Password:="123"
'Worksheets("Contract").Protect Password:="123"
'Worksheets("Invoice").Protect Password:="123"
'Worksheets("Expected Cost").Protect Password:="123"
End Sub

Sub ProtectOFF()
Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim pwd As String

pwd = "123" ' Put your password here
For Each ws In Worksheets
  ws.Unprotect Password:=pwd
Next ws
'Worksheets("Data Input").Unprotect Password:="123"
'Worksheets("Contract").Unprotect Password:="123"
'Worksheets("Invoice").Unprotect Password:="123"
'Worksheets("Expected Cost").Unprotect Password:="123"
End Sub

EDIT I was able to speed it up just a tiny bit by updating my Protect On/Off code below, but it's still a 3-5 second delay when I click on my check boxes: 编辑我能够通过更新下面的保护开/关代码来加快它的速度,但是当我点击我的复选框时,它仍然是3-5秒的延迟:

Sub ProtectON()
    Dim ws As Worksheet
    Set WSArray = Sheets(Array("Data Input", "Contract", "Invoice", "Expected Cost"))
    For Each ws In WSArray
         ws.Protect Password:="123"
End Sub

Sub ProtectOFF()
    Dim ws As Worksheet
    Set WSArray = Sheets(Array("Data Input", "Contract", "Invoice", "Expected Cost"))
    For Each ws In WSArray
     ws.Unprotect Password:="123"
End Sub

EDIT - SOLUTION? 编辑 - 解决方案? So I don't think this is best practice, nor have I really 'solved' my delay, but I found a workaround. 所以我认为这不是最好的做法,我也没有真正“解决”我的延迟,但我找到了一个解决方法。 I eliminated the delay when clicking my check boxes by turning on protection yet allowing row formatting. 通过启用保护但允许行格式化来单击我的复选框时,我消除了延迟。 Technically my sheet is no longer 100% protected from user tinkering, but I think that risk is worth removing such an annoying wait time after clicking. 从技术上讲,我的表单不再100%免受用户修补,但我认为风险值得在点击后消除这样烦人的等待时间。

Sub ProtectON()

Dim ws As Worksheet
Set WSArray = Sheets(Array("Data Input", "Contract", "Invoice", "Expected Cost"))
For Each ws In WSArray
     ws.Protect Password:="123", AllowFormattingRows:=True

End Sub

It should not be that slow, although I really have no clue how fast is your PC and how big is the data. 它应该不会那么慢,虽然我真的不知道你的PC有多快,数据有多大。 However, here is something you can make better: 但是,您可以做得更好:

Sub ClearDomesticHotWater()

    For Each cell In [DataInput_DomesticHotWater]
    If cell.Interior.Color = RGB(226, 239, 218) Then
    End If

End Sub

and remove all selects, they are slowing you down. 并删除所有选择,他们正在减慢你的速度。 Go around them like this: How to avoid using Select in Excel VBA macros 像这样绕过它们: 如何避免在Excel VBA宏中使用Select

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