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.htaccess - 重定向,如果特定的 url 匹配

[英].htaccess - redirect, if a specific url match

I need to redirect users to a new domain, but I need that in case a user visits a particular URL, then he/she needs to be redirected to another URL.我需要将用户重定向到一个新域,但我需要这样做,以防用户访问特定 URL,然后他/她需要重定向到另一个 URL。

Let me clarify...让我澄清...

If the user visits http://oldexample.com/postvendita/ I need to redirect them to http://newexample.com/assistenza如果用户访问http://oldexample.com/postvendita/我需要将他们重定向到http://newexample.com/assistenza

Otherwise, for every other URL http://oldexample.com/* I need to redirect them to http://newexample.com/new-page否则,对于每个其他 URL http://oldexample.com/*我需要将它们重定向到http://newexample.com/new-page

Here is my attempt:这是我的尝试:

Options +FollowSymLinks
RewriteEngine On
RewriteBase /
RewriteRule ^(.*)postvendita(.*)$ http://www.newexample.com/assistenza [L,R=301]
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} !^oldexample\.com$ [NC]
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ http://www.newexample.com/new-page [R=301,L]

Now if I visit any of the old pages, I will be redirected to http://www.newexample.com/new-page , so the first rule doesn't work, how should I change it?现在如果我访问任何旧页面,我将被重定向到http://www.newexample.com/new-page ,所以第一条规则不起作用,我应该如何更改它?

To handle this via .htaccess you'll want to match the first one and use a catch-all to redirect everything else:要通过.htaccess处理此问题,您需要匹配第一个并使用 catch-all 重定向其他所有内容:

RewriteEngine On

RewriteRule ^postvendita/?$ http://www.newexample.com/assistenza [R=301,L,NE]
RewriteRule .*              http://www.newexample.com/new-page   [R=301,L,NE]

A 301 redirect is a permanent redirect which passes between 90-99% of link juice (ranking power) to the redirected page. 301 重定向是永久重定向,它将 90-99% 的链接汁(排名能力)传递到重定向页面。 301 refers to the HTTP status code for this type of redirect. 301 指的是这种重定向的 HTTP 状态代码。 In most instances, the 301 redirect is the best method for implementing redirects on a website.在大多数情况下,301 重定向是在网站上实现重定向的最佳方法。

More About Redirects更多关于重定向

Alternatively, if you're not comfortable writing RewriteRules, you can use the following lines:或者,如果您不习惯编写 RewriteRules,您可以使用以下几行:

Redirect 301 /postvendita/ http://www.newexample.com/assistenza
Redirect 301 /postvendita  http://www.newexample.com/assistenza
Redirect 301 /             http://www.newexample.com/new-page

Or with RedirectMatch :或者使用RedirectMatch

RedirectMatch 301 /postvendita/? http://www.newexample.com/assistenza
RedirectMatch 301 .*             http://www.newexample.com/new-page

Common .htaccess Redirects常见的 .htaccess 重定向

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