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[英]Redirect from Javascript to Php without form submission

I need to redirect to a php page with informations by POST when a user click on an image. 当用户单击图像时,我需要通过POST重定向到包含信息的php页面。

Here's the way I do it for now : 这是我现在做的方法:

function redirect(id) {
   var url = 'newPage.php';
   var form = $('<form action="' + url + '" method="post">' + 
                    '<input type="text" name="prankId" value="' + id + '"/>' +

With Javascript, I create a form with my input and I submit it. 使用Javascript,我用输入创建一个表单,然后提交。 But when i reload the page (that I redirected to), it ask me to resubmit my form. 但是,当我重新加载页面(重定向到该页面)时,它要求我重新提交表单。 Is there a way to do it where I wouldn't have to resubmit it? 有什么方法可以不必重新提交吗?

您可以使用GET而不是POST请求,也可以使用POST / REDIRECT / GET模式。

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