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jQuery Draggable / Droppable-将克隆更改为新的div

[英]JQuery Draggable / Droppable - changing clone to a new div

I have created a website where the users can pull widgets from a pop up modal onto the main drop zone and create widgets. 我创建了一个网站,用户可以在其中将小部件从弹出模式拉到主放置区并创建小部件。 Initially, the widgets are just images eg: BBC. 最初,小部件只是图像,例如:BBC。 When dragged onto the droppable area they become widgets that pull in information from an API. 当拖动到可放置区域时,它们将成为从API提取信息的小部件。 I have set up location saving using local storage so that when the user refreshes the page, the widgets stay in their location. 我已经使用本地存储设置了位置保存,以便当用户刷新页面时,小部件将保留在其位置。

The problem I am having, is that the widget will not save its location until the user has refreshed once, then it will continue to save from here 我遇到的问题是,小部件在用户刷新一次之前不会保存其位置,然后它将继续从此处保存

I think I know why, i just don't know how to fix it! 我想我知道为什么,我只是不知道如何解决! See info below on what I have gathered. 请参阅以下有关我收集的信息。

My code for drag and drop: 我的拖放代码:

$(function () {
        $("#techcrunch").draggable({ revert: 'invalid', helper:"clone",
        containment:"#dropZonetc",snap: '#dropZonetc',addClasses: false});
        $( "#dropZonetc" ).droppable({

            accept: '#techcrunch',
            activeClass: 'ui-state-hover',
            hoverClass: 'ui-state-active',
            drop: function( event, ui ) {
                var offset = ui.helper.offset();
                var dropElem = ui.helper.clone()
                $(dropElem).html("<div id='techcrunchwidget' class='widgets'><img src='http://i.newsapi.org/techcrunch-s.png' alt='Tech Crunch' height='22' width='100'><button class='closewidget' onclick='destroytechcrunch()'>X</button><div class='techCrunchContent'><ul id='techcontent'></ul><script>retrieveTechCrunchNews();</script></div></div>");
                dropElem.appendTo( this ).offset( offset ).hide().fadeIn(1500);
                localStorage.setItem("techcrunch", "true");
                $( "#techcrunch" ).remove();

My code for saving the location: 我保存位置的代码:

$(function () {

        var widget3 = $("#techcrunchwidget");


        widget3.draggable({ stop: function () {

            var left = this.offsetLeft;
            var top = this.offsetTop;

            localStorage.setItem("lefttech", left);
            localStorage.setItem("toptech", top);


        window.addEventListener("storage", function (e) {



        function updatePosition3(widget3) {

            var left = localStorage.getItem("lefttech");
            var top = localStorage.getItem("toptech") - 20;
            widget3.css({ left: left + "px", top: top + "px" });
            widget3[0].offsetTop = top;
            widget3[0].offsetLeft = left

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I am 80% sure it is because I am appending the dropElem which is a clone, therefore the save script is not finding the "techcrunchwidget" as it is the clone until refresh, this can be seen in the image below 我有80%的把握是因为我要追加dropElem这是一个克隆,因此保存脚本直到刷新后才找到“ techcrunchwidget”,因为它是克隆,可以在下图中看到

** **

Chrome Element Inspecter 铬元素检查器

Once refreshed, it is not wrapped in that wierd class. 一旦刷新,它就不会包装在那个奇怪的类中。

Thanks for your time! 谢谢你的时间!

I would try simply append the new HTML in drop and just remove the helper. 我会尝试简单地将新的HTML附加到下拉列表中,然后删除帮助程序。

drop: function( event, ui ) {
  var offset = ui.helper.offset();
  var $widget = $("<div id='techcrunchwidget' class='widgets'><img src='http://i.newsapi.org/techcrunch-s.png' alt='Tech Crunch' height='22' width='100'><button class='closewidget' onclick='destroytechcrunch()'>X</button><div class='techCrunchContent'><ul id='techcontent'></ul><script>retrieveTechCrunchNews();</script></div></div>");
  localStorage.setItem("techcrunch", "true");

Untested solution. 未经测试的解决方案。

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