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[英]How to determine UTM zone from UTM co-ordinates

I am trying to convert the UTM coordinates ( 552123.07 4182282.11 ) into Latitude and Longitude so That i can plot it on a Map provider like google or leaflet. 我正在尝试将UTM坐标(552123.07 4182282.11)转换为经度和纬度,以便可以在Google或传单等地图提供程序上进行绘制。

Can anybody please help me in determining how to convert UTM coordinates to Latitude/Longitude? 有人可以帮我确定如何将UTM坐标转换为纬度/经度吗? Your help will be highly appreciated! 非常感谢您的帮助!

I have the following code snippet which does this but it needs a zone number for every UTM coordinate. 我有以下代码片段可以执行此操作,但是每个UTM坐标都需要一个区域编号。

public static void UTMToLatLongDSP(double X, double Y, out double latitude, out double longitude)
    double[] XY = new double[2];
    XY[0] = X;
    XY[1] = Y;

    double[] Z = new double[1];
    Z[0] = 1;

    string utmStr = "+proj=utm +zone=30 +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +units=m +no_defs ";

    ProjectionInfo projIn = ProjectionInfo.FromProj4String(utmStr);
    ProjectionInfo projOut = KnownCoordinateSystems.Geographic.World.WGS1984;
    Reproject.ReprojectPoints(XY, Z, projIn, projOut, 0, 1);

    longitude = XY[0];
    latitude = XY[1];

Converting UTM coordinates to latitude/longitude without a zone number is not possible . 转换UTM坐标纬度/经度没有区号是不可能的 This is due to the fact that UTM coordinates are measured from a reference point of origin of the given zone number. 这是由于以下事实:UTM坐标是从给定区域编号的参考原点开始测量的。

But, given a latitude/longitude, you can determine the UTM coordinates (northing, easting, zone number) 但是,给定纬度/经度,您可以确定UTM坐标(北,东,区号)

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