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[英]angular 2 detect if any RxJS timer is running or not

I am working on angular2 application. 我正在研究angular2应用程序。 I have scheduler requirement that runs on period of pre-configured time. 我有在预定时间段内运行的调度程序要求。

I have mainly 2 component in my application: 我的应用程序主要有2个组件:

1: HomeComponent, 2: MasterComponent. 1:HomeComponent,2:MasterComponent。

My master component will always be there in browser, all other component are it's child component of it. 我的主组件将始终存在于浏览器中,所有其他组件都是其子组件。

Now I have added RxJS timer in ngOnInit() .. 现在,我在ngOnInit()添加了RxJS timer

Now when I go to HomeComponent, MasterComponent is out of scope and when I came back to MasterComponnent another times starts(already first is working).. So Now I have 2 timers. 现在,当我转到HomeComponent时,MasterComponent已超出范围,当我回到MasterComponnent时,又有一次启动(已经开始工作了)。.现在我有2个计时器。

So want to detect if any times is running then not start otherwise start. 因此,要检测是否有任何时间在运行,则不要启动,否则请启动。

I need to start times only when user logs in. 我仅在用户登录时才需要启动时间。

Master Component Code: 主组件代码:

ngOnInit() {
    let timer = Observable.timer(2000, 1000);

printConsole() {
    console.log("ticks: " + new Date());

is there anyway so in ngOnInit I can detect any Timer already running or not ! 无论如何,所以在ngOnInit中我可以检测到任何已经运行的Timer!

Create a static variable on your MasterComponent : 在您的MasterComponent上创建一个静态变量:

export class MasterComponent {

  public static TIMER;

  ngOnInit() {
      if(!MasterComponent.TIMER) {
         MasterComponent.TIMER = Observable.timer(2000, 1000);    

Another option, and this has my personal preference, could be to create a singleton service in your application and let that service create the timer. 另一个选择(这是我个人的喜好)可能是在您的应用程序中创建单例服务,然后让该服务创建计时器。 Then inject this service into your MasterComponent and subscribe to the timer. 然后将此服务注入您的MasterComponent并订阅计时器。 For example: 例如:

export class MasterTimer {

   public get timer() {
       return this._timer;

   private _timer;

   constructor() {}

   public initTimer(): void {
      if(!this._timer) {
         this._timer = Observable.timer(2000, 1000);

Your MasterComponent will change to this: 您的MasterComponent将更改为:

export class MasterComponent {

  private _timerSub: Subscription;

  constructor(private _masterTimer: MasterTimer){}

  ngOnInit() {
      this._timerSub = this._masterTimer.timer.subscribe(this.printConsole);

  ngOnDestroy() {

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