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我正在使用UNION从3个表中获取COUNT行。 但是似乎只收到一个结果。 并显示“未定义的偏移量1和2”

[英]I'm using UNION to get COUNT of rows from 3 tables. But seem to receive only one result. and a notice “Undefined offset 1 and 2”

When I run this my browser brings back a notice.. "Undefined offsets 1 and 2" 运行此命令时,我的浏览器会显示一条通知。“未定义的偏移量1和2”

        SELECT COUNT(id) FROM whatshot UNION
        SELECT COUNT(id) FROM featured";

if($query = $db->query($sql))
    $row = $query->fetch_row();

    echo $row[0].' '.$row[1].' '.$row[2];

Your query will return three rows with one column each. 您的查询将返回三行,每行一列。 You need to iterate fetch_row() . 您需要迭代fetch_row()

|    1337 |
|      23 |
|      42 |

Your code right now assumes one row with three columns. 您的代码现在假设一行三列。

you have not 3 column you get 3 rows (if the result is different in each row) 您没有3列,则得到3行(如果每行的结果不同)

you should iterate over the result 你应该遍历结果

    $sql = "SELECT COUNT(id) as my_count FROM new UNION
            SELECT COUNT(id) FROM whatshot UNION
            SELECT COUNT(id) FROM featured";

    if($query = $db->query($sql))
        while($row = $query->fetch_row();

        echo $row['mycount'] . <br />;

if you want always the 3 row use union all 如果您始终希望3行全部使用union

$sql = "SELECT COUNT(id) as my_count FROM new UNION ALL
            SELECT COUNT(id) FROM whatshot UNION ALL 
            SELECT COUNT(id) FROM featured";

because union return only distinct result 因为工会只返回不同的结果


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