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[英]Remove/Delete/Undo Parts

I have splitted the wall into parts. 我把墙壁分成几部分。 Now I want to remove the parts and keep the original wall. 现在,我要删除零件并保留原来的墙。 How do I remove/delete/undo the parts that have already been created? 如何删除/删除/撤消已经创建的零件? I have the partids which I would like to remove. 我有要删除的partids。

.ActiveDoc.Delete(partid) doesn't work out and throws an error. .ActiveDoc.Delete(partid)无法正常工作并引发错误。

You can accomplish this by deleting the PartMaker associated with the source element: 您可以通过删除与源元素关联的PartMaker来完成此操作:

revitDoc.Delete(PartUtils.GetAssociatedPartMaker(revitDoc, SourceElementId).Id);

Have fun! 玩得开心!

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