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Dagger2 - 生成的组件类中的“未使用”模块

[英]Dagger2 - “Unused” Modules in Generated Component Class

My Dagger2 Component class contains 3 modules which I'm trying to use to inject field dependencies into an Android Activity class. 我的Dagger2 Component类包含3个模块,我试图用它们将字段依赖项注入到Android Activity类中。 The generated Component file has comments saying all the modules are unused, linking this page for more info. 生成的Component文件包含所有模块未使用的注释,链接此页面以获取更多信息。

My Activity class is calling the Component's inject(Activity) method and has fields annotated for injection that are provided by the modules, so I am not sure why the generated Component file does not have any Providers to do this injection. 我的Activity类正在调用Component的inject(Activity)方法,并且模块提供了注释注释的字段,因此我不确定为什么生成的Component文件没有任何Providers来执行此注入。

My code is below, thanks for the help! 我的代码如下,感谢您的帮助!

Generated Component Class: 生成的组件类:

public final class DaggerMainComponent implements MainComponent {
      private DaggerMainComponent(Builder builder) {
        assert builder != null;

  public static Builder builder() {
    return new Builder();

  public static MainComponent create() {
    return builder().build();

  public void inject(Activity activity) {

  public static final class Builder {
    private Builder() {}

    public MainComponent build() {
      return new DaggerMainComponent(this);

     * @deprecated This module is declared, but an instance is not used in the component. This method is a no-op. For more, see https://google.github.io/dagger/unused-modules.
    public Builder daoModule(DaoModule daoModule) {
      return this;

     * @deprecated This module is declared, but an instance is not used in the component. This method is a no-op. For more, see https://google.github.io/dagger/unused-modules.
    public Builder repositoryModule(RepositoryModule repositoryModule) {
      return this;

     * @deprecated This module is declared, but an instance is not used in the component. This method is a no-op. For more, see https://google.github.io/dagger/unused-modules.
    public Builder portableModule(PortableModule portableModule) {
      return this;

Non-Generated Component Class : 非生成组件类

public interface MainComponent {
    void inject(Activity activity);

Module Classes : Is there any issue with having one module provide an object with a dependency on another object provided by another module belonging to the same Component? 模块类 :是否有任何问题让一个模块提供一个对象,该对象依赖于属于同一个Component的另一个模块提供的另一个对象?

public class DaoModule {

    private DatabaseHelper databaseHelper;

    public DaoModule(DatabaseHelper databaseHelper){
        this.databaseHelper = databaseHelper;

    public Dao<Player,Integer> providePlayerDao(){
        return databaseHelper.getPlayerDao();

    public Dao<GamePlayed,Integer> provideGamePlayedDao() {
        try {
            return databaseHelper.getDao(GamePlayed.class);
        } catch (SQLException e) {
            return null;

    public Dao<GamePlayer,Integer> provideGamePlayerDao() {
        try {
            return databaseHelper.getDao(GamePlayer.class);
        } catch (SQLException e) {
            return null;


public class RepositoryModule {

    public IGameResultRepository provideGameResultRepository(
            Dao<Player,Integer> playerDao,
            Dao<GamePlayed,Integer> gameDao,
            Dao<GamePlayer, Integer> gamePlayerDao)
        return new OrmliteGameResultRepository(playerDao,gameDao,gamePlayerDao);

public class PortableModule {

    public GameResultListener provideGameResultListener(IGameResultRepository gameResultRepository){
        return new GameResultListener(gameResultRepository);


Application Class: 申请类别:

public class AppStart extends Application {

    private MainComponent mainComponent;

    public void onCreate() {

        DatabaseHelper databaseHelper = new DatabaseHelper(getApplicationContext());

        mainComponent = DaggerMainComponent.builder()
                .daoModule(new DaoModule(databaseHelper))

    public MainComponent getMainComponent(){
        return mainComponent;

Activity Class: 活动类:

public class MyActivity extends Activity {

    @Inject GameResultListener gameResultListener;
    @Inject Dao<Player,Integer> dao;
    @Inject IGameResultRepository repository;

    protected void onCreate(Bundle state) {


Question 1: Why are my modules being marked as "unused"? 问题1:为什么我的模块被标记为“未使用”?

You have not supplied the correct injection site! 您还没有提供正确的注射部位! As it stands, your component interface is one with the sole injection site of android.app.Activity . 就目前而言,您的组件接口是一个具有android.app.Activity的唯一注入站点。 Since android.app.Activity has no @Inject annotations on its fields then you get a no-op members injector. 由于android.app.Activity在其字段上没有@Inject注释,因此您将获得无操作成员注入器。 Similarly, your modules are marked as unused because none of them are actually being used as sources of dependencies for android.app.Activity . 同样,您的模块被标记为未使用,因为它们实际上都没有被用作android.app.Activity的依赖项源。 To fix this, in your component change: 要解决此问题,请在组件更改中:

void inject(Activity activity);

to: 至:

void inject(MyActivity myActivity);

Question 2: 问题2:

Is there any issue with having one module provide an object with a dependency on another object provided by another module belonging to the same Component? 是否有任何问题让一个模块提供一个对象,该对象依赖于属于同一组件的另一个模块提供的另一个对象?

No, this is perfectly fine. 不,这完全没问题。 To illustrate, let's take a simple object graph: 为了说明,我们来看一个简单的对象图:

public class Foo {

    public Foo(FooDependency fooDependency) {}

public class FooDependency {

    FooDependency(String name) {}

We want to inject it inside the following class using Dagger: 我们想使用Dagger将它注入以下类中:

public class FooConsumer {

    @Inject Foo foo;

    private FooConsumer() {}

We would like to reuse a module binding FooDependency so we'll write two separate modules: 我们想重用一个绑定FooDependency的模块,所以我们将编写两个独立的模块:

public class FooModule {

    Foo foo(FooDependency fooDependency) {
        return new Foo(fooDependency);

public class FooDependencyModule {

    FooDependency fooDependency() {
        return new FooDependency("name");

And the following component interface: 以及以下组件接口:

@Component(modules = {FooModule.class, FooDependencyModule.class})
public interface FooComponent {
    void inject(FooConsumer fooConsumer);

The generated component DaggerFooComponent contains the following code that will correctly use the FooDependency from the separate module FooDependencyModule to inject Foo : 所产生的组件DaggerFooComponent包含以下代码,将正确使用FooDependency从单独的模块FooDependencyModule注入Foo

  private void initialize(final Builder builder) {

    this.fooDependencyProvider =

    this.fooProvider = FooModule_FooFactory.create(builder.fooModule, fooDependencyProvider);

    this.fooConsumerMembersInjector = FooConsumer_MembersInjector.create(fooProvider);

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