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[英]Editing a CSV file in python based on an input

I am to create a program that collects data from a csv file, in which is stored item names and stock. 我要创建一个从csv文件收集数据的程序,该文件中存储了项目名称和库存。 I would like to display to the user how much of, for example apple, is in stock. 我想向用户显示库存中有多少苹果。

Item #      Item name    Item stock    Item price
12345670    Apple        20            0.70

What would you like to buy?: 12345670
How much would you like to buy?: 10

And what I'm trying to do is edit the CSV file to display the new figure of 10 since there are 20 apples and the user purchases 10. I have tried various methods but they all give me strange errors. 我想做的是编辑CSV文件,以显示新的数字10因为有20个苹果并且用户购买了10个。我尝试了各种方法,但是它们都给我带来奇怪的错误。 My expected output would be: 我的预期输出将是:

Item #      Item name    Item stock
12345670    Apple        20

What would you like to buy?: 12345670
How much would you like to buy?: 10
You have bought 10 apple(s) for a price of £7
There are 10 apples left in stock

If the user purchases too many apples: 如果用户购买太多苹果:

Item #      Item name    Item stock
12345670    Apple        20

What would you like to buy?: 12345670
How much would you like to buy?: 30
There are not enough apple(s) in stock to buy that amount
Would you like to buy all there is?: yes
You have bought 20 apple(s) for the price of £14

This is my code 这是我的代码

import csv
restart = 10
list1 = []
price = 0
print("Type 'end' to end")
while restart == 10:
        file1 = open("CSV File TASK 2.csv", "rt")
        file2 = csv.reader(file1)
        print(" ")
        order = input("Type the item number of your chosen number: ")
        if order == 'end':
        for row in file2:
                for field in row:
                        if order in field:
                                amount = int(input("How much of that item?: "))
                                row3 = int(row[3])
                                if amount > row3:
                                        print("There is not enough of that item in stock")
                                        print("Please try again")
                                row2 = float(row[2])
                                row1 = str(row[1])
                                price = amount * row2 + price
                                newstock = row3 - amount
                                print("You have bought {} {}(s) for the price of £{:.2f}".format(amount, row1, price))
                                print("Your subtotal is currently at {:.2f}".format(price))
                                receipt = ("{} {} {} {} {}".format(row[0]+" ", row[1], str(amount), "{:10.2f}".format(float(row[2])), "{:10.2f}".format(amount * float(row[2]))))
print('\n'.join('{}: {}'.format(*k) for k in enumerate(list1)))

Python 3.5.2. Python 3.5.2。 Please and thanks in advance. 请先谢谢。

You could use this: 您可以使用此:

import csv

f     = open('test.csv', 'r') # Here your csv file
r     = csv.reader(f) 
lines = [l for l in r]

ItemX = 0

Item   = input("What would you like to buy? ")
Amount = input("How much would you like to buy? ")

for x in range(len(lines)):
    if lines[x][0] == Item:
        ItemX = x
        continue1 = True # Does nothing


fw    = open('test.csv', 'w') # Here your csv file

lines[ItemX][2] = float(lines[ItemX][2]) - float(Amount)

writer = csv.writer(fw)


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