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Angular CLI和quickstart有什么区别?

[英]What is the difference between Angular CLI and quickstart?

我一直在观看一些与angularJS 2相关的视频,但我想知道Angular CLI和quickstart有什么区别?

Angular-CLI is a TOOL to create your angular 2 application. Angular-CLI是一个用于创建角度2应用程序的工具。 It provides commands to generate code such as components, services and directives to make angular 2 development easier to the developer. 它提供了生成代码(如组件,服务和指令)的命令,以使开发人员更容易进行角度2开发。 It also allows you to build your application and serve your application as you are developing. 它还允许您在开发过程中构建应用程序并为您的应用程序提供服务。

Angular 2 Quick Start is a TUTORIAL to create a simple Angular 2 app. Angular 2快速入门是一个创建简单的Angular 2应用程序的指南。 The Quick Start also has a Plunkr (code) that the developer can use to try out some ideas with Angular 2. Just like the name says it... it quickly gets you going with Angular 2. 快速入门还有一个Plunkr(代码),开发人员可以使用它来尝试使用Angular 2的一些想法。就像名字说的那样......它很快就会让你使用Angular 2。

For a real angular 2 application you will be using the Angular-CLI since it provides the tools (commands) you need for your development. 对于真正的角度2应用程序,您将使用Angular-CLI,因为它提供了开发所需的工具(命令)。 Hope this helps. 希望这可以帮助。

The CLI is used to start an Angular 2 application, and add new components, directives, and services, from the command line; CLI用于启动Angular 2应用程序,并从命令行添加新组件,指令和服务; it builds application “scaffolding” based on your input. 它根据您的输入构建应用程序“scaffolding”。 It lets you add code, and unit tests, to an application quickly. 它允许您快速向应用程序添加代码和单元测试。 Afterward, you fill in the actual business code. 之后,您将填写实际的业务代码。

The quick start is just a pre-coded application to give you an idea of what you can do with Angular 2 without having to write any code of you own. 快速入门只是一个预编码的应用程序,让您了解使用Angular 2可以做什么,而无需编写您自己的任何代码。

A lot of frameworks are providing productivity command-line interface tools(CLI) in bootstrapping a project , creating components, or downloading/installing packages or dependencies. 许多框架在引导项目,创建组件或下载/安装包或依赖项方面提供了生产力命令行界面工具(CLI)。 It's very handy and quick to use in the console/terminal of the IDE or at the OS (Mac OS, Windows, Linux). 它非常方便快捷地在IDE的控制台/终端或操作系统(Mac OS,Windows,Linux)中使用。 That's why we see commands like npm install, brew install, npm start, yo web-project-name , etc. In that regard, the angular team has developed the angular cli to follow that pattern to stay consistent and to improve productivity. 这就是为什么我们看到像npm install, brew install, npm start, yo web-project-name等命令的原因。在这方面,角度团队开发了角度cli以遵循该模式以保持一致并提高生产率。 It's still in beta so expect some changes. 它还处于测试阶段,所以期待一些变化。 For latest updates and usage of the tool you can follow them in github https://github.com/angular/angular-cli 有关该工具的最新更新和使用,您可以在github https://github.com/angular/angular-cli中关注它们

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