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[英]Netsuite User Event Script: Not all user event types firing

We have a user event script attached to a sales order in NetSuite, however we are noticing that only the context.UserEventType.CREATE is being called. 我们在NetSuite中附加了一个销售订单的用户事件脚本,但是我们注意到只调用了context.UserEventType.CREATE EDIT , COPY and the others DO NOT catch the sales order manipulations as per spec. 编辑复制和其他人不按照规范捕获销售订单操作。 Can anyone please verify this. 任何人都可以验证这一点。 Ive attached a very simple UserEvent script that should throw the context type but it is not working. 我附加了一个非常简单的UserEvent脚本,该脚本应抛出上下文类型,但它不起作用。

This UserEvent script is for a salesorder record: 此UserEvent脚本用于销售订单记录:

 *@NApiVersion 2.x
 *@NScriptType UserEventScript
define(["N/record", "N/search"],
    function (record, search) {

        function beforeSubmit(context) {
            throw "beforeSubmit:" + context.type;

        function afterSubmit(context) {
            throw "afterSubmit:" + context.type;

        function beforeLoad(context) {
            throw "beforeLoad:" + context.type;

        return {
            beforeLoad: beforeLoad,
            beforeSubmit: beforeSubmit,
            afterSubmit: afterSubmit


The code looks good. 代码看起来不错。 Check the deployment and see if the event type is set to create only. 检查部署并查看事件类型是否设置为仅创建。


声明:本站的技术帖子网页,遵循CC BY-SA 4.0协议,如果您需要转载,请注明本站网址或者原文地址。任何问题请咨询:yoyou2525@163.com.

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