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[英]How can i retrieve uploaded image (base64) full url from Carrierwave upload file to Rackspace?

I just need to get the url of my image (base64) that just uploaded to Rackspace server via Carrierwave. 我只需要获取刚刚通过Carrierwave上传到Rackspace服务器的图像(base64)的URL。

This is my controller now. 现在是我的控制器。

def update_with_image
    user = current_user
    uploader = PictureUploader.new
    uploader.store!(user_update_params[:profile_image]) // base64 image like this '...'

    // How can i update user_update_params[:profile_image] with the successfully uploaded profile_image url?

    if user.update_attributes(user_update_params)
      # Handle a successful update.
      render json: user, status: 200 ,serializer: UserSerializer
      render json: { errors: user.errors }, status: 422

So after uploader.store!(user_update_params[:profile_image]) how can i get the url of that file? 那么在uploader.store!(user_update_params[:profile_image]) ,我如何获取该文件的URL?

Thanks! 谢谢!

You mean this ? 你是这个意思 ?

uploader = AvatarUploader.new
uploader.store!(my_file)                              # size: 1024x768

uploader.url # => '/url/to/my_file.png'               # size: 800x600
uploader.thumb.url # => '/url/to/thumb_my_file.png'   # size: 200x200

calling url method on the uploader should get you the URL. 在上传器上调用url方法应该可以获取URL。 github 的github

Update: Quoting from carrier wave GitHub 更新:引用载波GitHub

You can optionally include your CDN host name in the configuration. 您可以选择在配置中包括CDN主机名。 This is highly recommended, as without it every request requires a lookup of this information. 强烈建议这样做,因为没有它,每个请求都需要查找此信息。

 config.asset_host = "http://c000000.cdn.rackspacecloud.com"

In your uploader, set the storage to :fog 在您的上传器中,将存储设置为:fog

class AvatarUploader < CarrierWave::Uploader::Base
  storage :fog

That's it! 而已! You can still use the CarrierWave::Uploader#url method to return the url to the file on Rackspace Cloud Files. 您仍然可以使用CarrierWave::Uploader#url方法将URL返回到Rackspace Cloud Files上的文件。

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