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[英]Downloading a file using php

I uploaded a PDF file to a folder called 'forms' on my webserver. 我将PDF文件上传到Web服务器上名为“ forms”的文件夹中。

I'm displaying data from my database onto a table, and the forms column I want to link to the file associated within the forms directory. 我正在将数据库中的数据显示在表上,并且要链接到forms列中的forms目录中的forms列。

I've currently got the following; 我目前有以下内容;

while ($myrow = mysqli_fetch_array($result)):

$loanid         = $myrow["loanid"];
$username       = $myrow["username"];
$form           = $myrow["form"];

$table = '<tr>';

$table.= '<td>'.$loanid.'</div>';
$table.= '<td>'.$username.'</div>';
$table.= '<td><a href=\"forms/$form\">'.$form.'</a></div>';

echo $table

The table is displaying correctly and the correct file name is displaying in the forms column. 该表显示正确,并且在窗体列中显示正确的文件名。 However when I click the link it doesn't open the PDF as expected. 但是,当我单击链接时,它没有按预期打开PDF。

When I click the link I would imagine the link should be; 当我单击链接时,我会想到该链接应该是; www.example.com/website/forms/form.pdf www.example.com/website/forms/form.pdf

but im receiving an object not found page and the following link; 但是我收到一个找不到对象的页面和以下链接; www.example.com/"forms/$loanform/" www.example.com/“表格/ $ loanform /”

What am I doing wrong? 我究竟做错了什么?

Single quotes does not evaluate variables and you don't need to escape double quotes in them. 单引号不会计算变量,也不需要在其中转义双引号。

Use either 使用任一

$table.= "<td><a href=\"forms/$form\">".$form."</a></div>";

or 要么

$table.= '<td><a href="forms/' . $form . '">' . $form . '</a></div>';

Try the below code, In your your closing with it should be and you need to use " instead of ' when you are using php varibales in between 尝试下面的代码,在结束时应该是,当您在之间使用php自变量时,需要使用“而不是”

 $table = "<table>";
 while ($myrow = mysqli_fetch_array($result)):

 $loanid         = $myrow["loanid"];
 $username       = $myrow["username"];
 $form           = $myrow["form"];

$tr = '<tr>';

$tr.= '<td>'.$loanid.'</td>';
$tr.= '<td>'.$username.'</td>';
$tr.= "<td><a href=\"forms/$form\">".$form."</a></td>";
$tr .= "</tr>";
$table .= $tr;
$table .= '</table>';
echo $table

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