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[英]date manipulation in javascript

I have this string for example "November 8, 2016 - December 7, 2016" which I want to extract the two dates in the this format: YYYY-MM-DD . 我有此字符串,例如"November 8, 2016 - December 7, 2016" ,我想以以下格式提取两个日期: YYYY-MM-DD Now, I managed to get the dates in the format I want in the following way: 现在,我设法通过以下方式以所需的格式获取日期:


<span id="selecDate">November 8, 2016 - December 7, 2016</span>

Javascript: 使用Javascript:

date = $('#selecDate').text().split('-');
begin = new Date(date[1]);
begin = begin.toISOString().split('T')[0];

The problem is that date = ["November 8, 2016 ", " December 7, 2016"] 问题在于date = ["November 8, 2016 ", " December 7, 2016"]

and begin = "Wed Dec 07 2016 00:00:00 GMT+0200 (IST)" begin = "Wed Dec 07 2016 00:00:00 GMT+0200 (IST)"

when in second line but in the last line the value of begin changes to "2016-12-06" , one day earlier. 在第二行但在最后一行时,begin的值将提前一天更改为"2016-12-06" Any idea how can I avoid it? 知道如何避免吗?

I'm working from (GMT+02:00) time zone 我正在(GMT + 02:00)时区工作

When you execute toISOString() the date you get back is in UTC time so it takes the time back 2 hours (because of your current timezone). 当执行toISOString() ,您返回的日期是以UTC时间表示的,因此要花费2个小时的时间(因为当前时区)。 Midnight on Dec 06 in IST is 22:00 in UTC time the day before. IST的12月6日午夜是前一天的UTC时间22:00。

If you wish to keep your timestamps in local time, you can use a .toLocaleDateString() , toLocaleString() or even just .toString() on your date object: 如果希望将时间戳记为本地时间,则可以在日期对象上使用.toLocaleDateString()toLocaleString()或什至只是.toString()

begin = new Date('December 7, 2016').toLocaleDateString();

Note that the date format is slightly different: 请注意,日期格式略有不同:

a.toLocaleDateString() "12/7/2016" a.toLocaleDateString() "12/7/2016" 12/7/2016 "12/7/2016"

a.toLocaleString() "12/7/2016, 12:00:00 AM" a.toLocaleString() "12/7/2016, 12:00:00 AM" 2016,12: "12/7/2016, 12:00:00 AM"

a.toString() "Wed Dec 07 2016 00:00:00 GMT+0200 (IST)" a.toString() "Wed Dec 07 2016 00:00:00 GMT+0200 (IST)"

As MDN says in, method toISOString() : 就像MDN所说的toISOString()方法:

The timezone is always zero UTC offset. 时区始终为零UTC偏移。

And when you create your new Date('December 7, 2016') , what you get is: 当您创建new Date('December 7, 2016') ,您将获得:

Wed Dec 07 2016 00:00:00 GMT+0200 2016年12月7日星期三00:00:00 GMT + 0200

So in UTC, the hours are subtracted by 2, giving you the day before. 因此,在UTC中,小时数将减去2,从而得到前一天的信息。

Solution : 解决方案

begin = begin.getFullYear() + '-' + (begin.getMonth() + 1) + '-' + begin.getDate();

will result in: "2016-12-07". 结果为:“ 2016-12-07”。

date = ["November 8, 2016 ", " December 7, 2016"];
var b = new Date(date[1]);

//use these get methods to avoid all the confusion
var begin = b.getFullYear()+"-"+(b.getMonth()+1)+"-"+b.getDate();

You should not parse strings with the Date constructor, especially when they are a format other than that specified in ECMA-262 as the behaviour is implementation dependent. 您不应该使用Date构造函数来解析字符串,尤其是当它们的格式不同于ECMA-262中指定的格式时,因为行为取决于实现。

If you need Date objects, you should either use a library (eg moment.js , fecha.js ) and provide the format to parse or write a simple function to parse the format to a date (see below). 如果需要Date对象,则应该使用一个库(例如moment.jsfecha.js )并提供解析格式,或者编写一个简单函数将格式解析为日期(请参见下文)。

However, if you just want a string in a different format, just reformat the string and avoid Dates altogether: 但是,如果您只想使用其他格式的字符串,则只需重新格式化该字符串并完全避免使用Dates:

 // Reformat a date string in format MMMM d, yyyy to yyyy-mm-dd function reformatDate(s) { var b = s.match(/\\w+/g) || []; var months = {jan:'01',feb:'02',mar:'03',apr:'04',may:'05',jun:'06', jul:'07',aug:'08',sep:'09',oct:'10',nov:'11',dec:'12'}; return b.length == 3? b[2] + '-' + months[b[0].toLowerCase().substr(0,3)] + '-' + ('0' + b[1]).slice(-2) : ''; } console.log(reformatDate('November 8, 2016')) 

The following functions parse a date in MMMM d, yyyy format to a Date object, then format it in yyyy-mm-dd format: 以下函数将MMMM d,yyyy格式的日期解析为Date对象,然后将其格式化为yyyy-mm-dd格式:

 // Parse date string in format MMMM d, yyyy eg November 8, 2016 function parseDate(s) { var months = 'jan feb mar apr may jun jul aug sep oct nov dec'.split(' '); var b = s.match(/\\w+/g) || []; var m = months.indexOf(b[0].toLowerCase().substr(0,3)); var d = new Date(b[2], m, b[1]); return d && d.getMonth() == m? d : new Date(NaN); } function toISODate(d) { function z(n){return (n<10?'0':'')+n} return d.getFullYear() + '-' + z(d.getMonth()+1) + '-' + z(d.getDate()); } console.log(toISODate(parseDate('November 8, 2016'))) 

Using a library like moment.js you'd do: 使用像moment.js这样的库,您可以执行以下操作:

 'November 8, 2016 - December 7, 2016'.split(' - ').forEach(function(s) { var d = moment(s,'MMMM D, YYYY').format('YYYY-MM-DD'); console.log(d); }); 
 <script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/moment.js/2.17.1/moment.js"></script> 

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