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[英]C: re-declaring with different type when all types are the same

I have a header file that contains this function declaration: 我有一个包含此函数声明的头文件:

bool isAbelianGroup(ConstGroupMemberP IdentityElement, ConstGroupMemberP members[],
                const int membersLen, const binaryOp oper, const freeMember freeMember,
                const GroupComparator compare);

I have ac file in which I implement this function (copy-pasted the prototype from the declaration in the h file) 我有一个实现该功能的ac文件(从h文件中的声明中复制粘贴了原型)

bool isAbelianGroup(ConstGroupMemberP IdentityElement, ConstGroupMemberP members[],
                const int membersLen, const binaryOp oper, const freeMember freeMember,
                const GroupComparator compare){...}

and yet, I get an error for re-declaring with different type: 但是,使用不同的类型重新声明时出现错误:


Any ideas what might be the problem? 任何想法可能是什么问题?

Found the problem: I should have written const freeMember freeFunc in both h and c files instead of const freeMember freeMember . 发现了问题:我应该在h和c文件中都写const freeMember freeFunc而不是const freeMember freeMember

That was hard to find. 那很难找到。

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