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[英]Remove an SVG element upon click

So for my assignment I have a webpage where I input a number and choose a shape and the chosen number amount of the chosen shape will appear and go through a set animation. 因此,对于我的作业,我有一个网页,我在其中输入数字并选择一个形状,然后将显示选定形状的选定数量,并进行设置动画。 After the animation, the shape will disappear, but before that, the shape should also disappear if its clicked. 动画之后,形状将消失,但是在此之前,如果单击它,形状也应消失。 I've tried to use the remove() function but can't get this right. 我尝试使用remove()函数,但无法正确执行此操作。 Please help. 请帮忙。

Here's my javascript: 这是我的JavaScript:

draw = function() {
  var typed = $('#howmany').val()
  var shape = $('#shape').val()
  var SVG = $("svg");
  var x, y;

  for (var i = 0; i < typed; i++) {
    x = Math.random() * 350
    y = Math.random() * 350
    if (shape == 'a') {
      pattern = paper.circle(25, 25, 25)
    if (shape == 'b') {
      pattern = paper.rect(10, 10, 50, 50)
    if (shape == 'c') {
      pattern = paper.path('M25,0 L50,50, L0,50 Z')

    color_attr = {
        'fill': '#BB7'

    position_attr = {
      'transform': 't' + x + ',' + y

    pattern.animate(position_attr, 2000)
    }, 2000);

setup = function() {
  paper = Raphael('svg1', 400, 400)

Here's the fiddle: https://jsfiddle.net/o6e2yu5b/3/ 这是小提琴: https : //jsfiddle.net/o6e2yu5b/3/

You need to bind the click event to the pattern and remove it, when clicked. 您需要将click事件绑定到该模式并将其删除。 As per your code, you need to attach an event handler using an IIFE, so you dont run into issues with the closure. 根据您的代码,您需要使用IIFE附加事件处理程序,因此不会遇到闭包问题。

Here is what you could do. 这是您可以做的。

(function(currentPattern) {
  currentPattern.node.onclick = function(){

Here is the updated jsFiddle 这是更新的jsFiddle

i don't know if you need to remove all the shapes or one specific clicked shape. 我不知道您是否需要删除所有形状或一种特定的单击形状。 In case you want to remove all, just add this function before your setTimeout function: 如果要删除所有内容,只需在setTimeout函数之前添加此函数:

    var element = e.target.tagName;
    if (element === 'circle')
{    SVG.find(element).remove(); }

if you want to delete a specific one, try to identify each circle by an ID then make an if statement to delete the shape that has the ID of the clicked element. 如果要删除特定的圆,请尝试通过ID识别每个圆,然后执行if语句删除具有单击元素ID的形状。

I guess you needed a small rectification in your JS snippet and it work. 我想您需要在JS代码段中进行一些小的纠正,并且它可以工作。 Just replace the removal code with this: 只需将删除代码替换为:

pattern.click(pattern.remove) pattern.click(pattern.remove)

 draw = function() { var typed = $('#howmany').val() var shape = $('#shape').val() var SVG = $("svg"); var x, y; for (var i = 0; i < typed; i++) { x = Math.random() * 350 y = Math.random() * 350 if (shape == 'a') { pattern = paper.circle(25, 25, 25) } if (shape == 'b') { pattern = paper.rect(10, 10, 50, 50) } if (shape == 'c') { pattern = paper.path('M25,0 L50,50, L0,50 Z') } color_attr = { 'fill': '#BB7' } position_attr = { 'transform': 't' + x + ',' + y } pattern.attr(color_attr) pattern.animate(position_attr, 2000) pattern.click(pattern.remove) setTimeout(function(){ SVG.find("circle").remove(); SVG.find("rect").remove(); SVG.find("path").remove(); }, 2000); } } setup = function() { paper = Raphael('svg1', 400, 400) $('button').click(draw) } jQuery(document).ready(setup) 
 body { max-width: 40em; line-height: 1.6; margin: 0 auto; padding: 0.5em; color: black; font-family: "Helvetica", "Arial", sans-serif; } h1, h2, h3 { line-height: 1.2; color: black; } @media print { body { line-height: 1.4; } } svg { border: thin solid black; } input { width: 2em; } 
 <script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/raphael/2.2.7/raphael.min.js"></script> <script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.2.4/jquery.min.js"></script> <main> <h1>Assignment 4 : Zap-em</h1> <p>Difficulty: <input type="text" id="howmany" /> </p> <p> Shape: <select id="shape"> <option value="a">Circle</option> <option value="b">Square</option> <option value="c">Triangle</option> </select> </p> <button id="btn">Start</button> <div id="svg1"></div> </main> 

Updated fiddle here . 更新小提琴这里 Read more about click and remove . 了解有关单击删除的更多信息。

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