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[英]Expected concrete lifetime, found bound lifetime parameter when storing a fn in a struct

I'm trying to store a function in a struct: 我正在尝试将函数存储在结构中:

trait T<'a> {}

struct A {}

struct B<'a> {
    a: &'a A

impl<'a> T<'a> for B<'a> {}

fn f1<'a, E: T<'a>>(a: &'a A) {}

struct D {
    f: fn(&A)

fn main() {
    let d = D { f: f1::<B> };

The compiler complains: 编译器抱怨:

error[E0308]: mismatched types
  --> src/main.rs:18:20
18 |     let d = D { f: f1::<B> };
   |                    ^^^^^^^ expected concrete lifetime, found bound lifetime parameter 
   = note: expected type `fn(&A)`
   = note:    found type `fn(&A) {f1::<'_, B<'_>>}`

When you write f1::<B> , the compiler interprets that as f1::<B<'_>> , there '_ is a lifetime inferred by the compiler, because B is generic over a lifetime and you can only pass concrete types as type parameters. 当您编写f1::<B> ,编译器将其解释为f1::<B<'_>> ,编译器会推断出'_的生存期,因为B在整个生存期内都是通用的,您只能传递具体的类型作为类型参数。

But then, in D , the f field is expected to be a function that accepts references to A with any lifetime. 但是,在Df字段应该是一个可以接受任何生存期的对A引用的函数。 f1::<B> does not fulfill that requirement, because the function has been instantiated with a specific lifetime. f1::<B>不满足该要求,因为该函数已使用特定的生存期进行了实例化。

Unfortunately, at the moment, there's no way to make this work. 不幸的是,目前还没有办法使它起作用。 Rust would have to support either higher kinded types or associated type constructors . Rust将必须支持更高种类的类型关联的类型构造函数 You could then define E in f1 to be a type constructor parameter, rather than a type parameter (though I'm wondering how the compiler would handle the 'a lifetime parameter). 然后,您可以在f1中将E定义为类型构造函数参数,而不是类型参数(尽管我想知道编译器将如何处理'a lifetime参数'a )。


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