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[英]Why use redux-thunk or redux-saga for fetches?

I keep reading that I should use redux-thunk or redux-saga to handle side effects. 我一直在读,我应该使用redux-thunk或redux-saga来处理副作用。 Why not simply use action creators like that to dispatch multiple actions : 为什么不简单地使用这样的动作创建者来发送多个动作:

function loadProductActionCreator(dispatch) {
    type: 'load_product',
    function (r) {
      return r.json();
  .then(function (res) {
      type: 'loaded_product',
      data: res

I tried that and it worked ( complete code ). 我试过了,它工作( 完整的代码 )。 So I guess there must be some inconvenients I'm not aware of. 所以我想一定有一些我不知道的不便之处。

You code is similar to what thunk does. 你的代码类似于thunk的代码。

As per redux docs, actions should be pure. 根据redux docs,行动应该是纯粹的。 And they should always return same values for same input parameters. 并且它们应始终为相同的输入参数返回相同的值。 By using fetch you are allowing action to return not specific value, rather value from server and that mean action response may vary upon time. 通过使用fetch您允许操作返回非特定值,而不是返回服务器的值,这意味着操作响应可能会随时间而变化。

That is called side effects . 这被称为副作用 And it's something what shouldn't be in redux actions by default. 并且这是默认情况下不应该在redux操作中的内容。

But why? 但为什么?

Yes, you can type it inside action like you have, in small apps it does not matter. 是的,你可以像你一样在里面输入它,在小应用程序中它并不重要。

In larger application there are benefits of using redux-saga : 在更大的应用程序中,使用redux-saga有好处:

  • actions are predictable, they just return payload like 动作是可预测的,它们只返回有效载荷

     { type: 'FETCH_POSTS', params: { category: 'programming' } } 
  • and then you build middleware which will take actions with all data required to perform request to real API 然后构建中间件,该中间件将对执行实际API请求所需的所有数据执行操作

Possible advantages: 可能的优点:

  • Cleaner codebase (but may be overhead on smaller applications) 更清洁的代码库(但可能是较小的应用程序的开销)
  • Separation of "dummy" actions with all required information to perform requests and actual API middleware 将“虚拟”操作与所有必需信息分离以执行请求和实际API中间件
  • Request parameters are visible directly in redux dev tools 请求参数可直接在redux dev工具中查看
  • Possible to easily debounce , throttle fetches which may be really tricky with redux-thunk 可以轻松debouncethrottle使用redux-thunk可能非常棘手的提取
  • Possible to easily combine actions (wait for another event/fetch, chain events) 可以轻松组合操作(等待另一个事件/获取,链事件)
  • Possible to stop running tasks 可以停止运行任务

From personal experience, on one project (larger codebase) we have started with redux-thunk , but later we needed to integrate more advanced features, like throttle, and some dependencies between actions. 从个人经验来看,在一个项目(更大的代码库)上我们已经开始使用redux-thunk ,但后来我们需要集成更高级的功能,比如节流,以及操作之间的一些依赖关系。 So we rewrote everything to redux-saga and it worked well for us. 因此我们将所有内容重写为redux-saga并且它对我们来说效果很好。

You are kind of replicating redux-thunk here. 你在这里复制redux-thunk。 A pure redux action creator should return an action object to be dispatched and not dispatch an action itself (see redux doc on action creator ). 纯redux动作创建者应返回要调度的动作对象,而不是自行调度动作(请参阅动作创建者的redux doc )。

To better understand why your technic is a replication of redux-thunk, look at this post from its author 为了更好地理解为什么你的技术是redux-thunk的复制,请查看其作者的这篇文章

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