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结果中的新SQL PDO查询

[英]New SQL PDO query from result

I'm very new to PDO SQL queries. 我是PDO SQL查询的新手。 I have the following code which works well. 我有下面的代码,效果很好。 When the result returns only 1 row, I then want to set that row to valid = FALSE" . How do I do that? 当结果仅返回1行时,我想要将该行设置为valid = FALSE" 。我该怎么做?

$sql = "SELECT * FROM `passcodes` WHERE `passcode` = '$passcode' AND `valid` = TRUE";
$stmt = $DBcon->prepare($sql);
$count = $stmt->rowCount();
if($count == 1) {
    //do this
} else {
    //do that

Yet another solution. 另一个解决方案。

IF you interested in "else" section mentioned above, you can combine elegant solution from @YourCommonSense with checking how much rows was changed in UPDATE. 如果您对上面提到的“其他”部分感兴趣,则可以将@YourCommonSense中的优雅解决方案与检查UPDATE中更改了多少行相结合。 MySQL returns such info! MySQL返回此类信息!

$sql = "UPDATE `passcodes` SET `valid` = FALSE WHERE `passcode` = ? AND `valid` = TRUE";
if ($stmt->rowCount() == 0) {
  // do this when nothing found

I then want to set that row to valid = FALSE". How do I do that? 然后,我想将该行设置为有效= FALSE”。我该怎么做?

this is what SQL is for. 这就是SQL的目的。

$sql = "UPDATE `passcodes` SET `valid` = FALSE WHERE `passcode` = ? AND `valid` = TRUE";

this is all the code you need. 这就是您需要的所有代码。

This will work with count of result rows equal or greater than 1. I recommend to use placeholders for prepared statements: 这将在结果行数等于或大于1的情况下起作用。我建议对准备好的语句使用占位符:

$sql = "SELECT `id` FROM `passcodes` WHERE `passcode` = ? AND `valid` = TRUE";
$stmt = $DBcon->prepare($sql);
$stmt->execute([ $passcode ]);
$rows = $stmt->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
if($rows) {
    //do this
    $sql = "UPDATE `passcodes` SET `valid` = FALSE WHERE `id` = ?";
    $stmt = $DBcon->prepare($sql);
    foreach ($rows as $r) {
        $stmt->execute([ $r['id'] ]);
} else {
    //do that

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