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[英]Changing CSS inner Background color

I got a little piece of code 我有一点代码

"spots": [{
    "id": "rect-5115",
    "type": "rect",
    "x": 8,
    "y": 52.7,
    "width": 34.6,
    "height": 16.7,
    "default_style": {
        "border_radius": 10,
        "background_color": "#c0c0c0",
        "background_opacity": 0.18943843984962405
    "mouseover_style": {
        "border_radius": 10,
        "background_color": "#c0c0c0",
        "background_opacity": 0.18943843984962405,
        "fill": "#000000"
    "tooltip_style": {
        "auto_width": 1

I tried to change the background color using below code for default_style . 我尝试使用下面的default_style代码更改背景色。 but this is not working, in fact the ID: "rect-5115" consist of 2 background_color in the following tags as listed in the code above: 但这不起作用,实际上ID:“ rect-5115”由以下代码中的2个background_color组成,如上面的代码中所列:

  1. default_style default_style
  2. mouseover_style mouseover_style

i need to change the background color for the default_style rather than the mouseover_style when the Button_on is clicked. 单击Button_on时,我需要更改default_style的背景颜色,而不是mouseover_style


I tried several ways to do so but its not working, can you please guide me through the proper channel. 我尝试了几种方法来执行此操作,但是它不起作用,能否请您通过适当的渠道指导我。

Thanks, 谢谢,



You have a syntax error in your .css() rule, it's background-color with a hyphen instead of an underscore. 您的.css()规则中有语法错误,它是带有连字符而不是下划线的background-color

For the hover parts, apply styles to the mouseenter and mouseleave events. 对于悬停部件,将样式应用于mouseentermouseleave事件。

 $(document).ready(function(){ $('#Button_on').click(function(){ $('#rect-5115').css('background-color','#FF0000'); $("#rect-5115").mouseenter(function() { $(this).css("background", "#00FF00"); }).mouseleave(function() { $(this).css("background", "#FF0000"); }); }); }); 
 <script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script> <button id="Button_on">button</button> <div id="rect-5115">hello</div> 

You have to use hyphen or camelCase in css selectors for .css() method: 您必须在.css()方法的css选择器中使用连字符或camelCase:

Also, jQuery can equally interpret the CSS and DOM formatting of multiple-word properties. 同样,jQuery可以平等地解释多字属性的CSS和DOM格式。 For example, jQuery understands and returns the correct value for both .css( "background-color" ) and .css( "backgroundColor" ). 例如,jQuery理解并返回.css(“ background-color”)和.css(“ backgroundColor”)的正确值。 This means mixed case has a special meaning, .css( "WiDtH" ) won't do the same as .css( "width" ), for example. 这意味着混合大小写具有特殊含义,例如,.css(“ WiDtH”)与.css(“ width”)的作用不同。

Hello Thanks a lot for your inputs. 您好,非常感谢您的输入。

infact if you see the code: there is an underscore in the background_color, this is quite puzzling. 实际上,如果您看到代码:background_color中有一个下划线,这很令人困惑。

the background_color form part of the default_style . background_color表单是default_style的一部分。 this is what i wanted to change using JS. 这就是我想使用JS进行更改的内容。

"spots": [{
    "id": "rect-5115",
    "type": "rect",
    "x": 8,
    "y": 52.7,
    "width": 34.6,
    "height": 16.7,
    "**default_style**": {
        "border_radius": 10,
        **"background_color": "#c0c0c0",**
        "background_opacity": 0.18943843984962405
    "mouseover_style": {
        "border_radius": 10,
        **"background_color": "#c0c0c0",**
        "background_opacity": 0.18943843984962405,
        "fill": "#000000"
    "tooltip_style": {
        "auto_width": 1

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