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[英]ReactiveObjC.framework specifies a simulator platform for the CFBundleSupportedPlatforms key

I replace the ReactiveCocoa to ReactiveObjC in cocoapods , because the ReactiveCocoa is swift only now, I have to do this. 我更换ReactiveCocoaReactiveObjCcocoapods ,因为ReactiveCocoaswift只是现在,我必须这样做。

But when I archive my Ad hoc ipa , there comes an issue: 但是,当我archive Ad hoc ipa ,会出现一个问题:

ReactiveObjC.framework specifies a simulator platform for the CFBundleSupportedPlatforms key


ATTEMPT - 1 The teaching: https://forums.developer.apple.com/thread/62261 I try to edit the Info.plist , but not work for me: ATTEMPT-1教学内容: https : //forums.developer.apple.com/thread/62261我尝试编辑Info.plist ,但对我不起作用:


After many attempts, solve this finally. 经过多次尝试,终于解决了。

When export the .ipa , uncheck the Rebuild from bitcode option, then success. 当导出.ipa ,取消Rebuild from bitcode选项,那么成功。


I think ReactiveObjC do not support bitcode now, maybe in the future, there will not have this issue. 我认为ReactiveObjC现在不支持位码,也许在将来,不会出现此问题。


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