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Spring Boot验证表格

[英]Spring boot validate form

I'm following this tutorial in order to validate my form, but since I'm using spring boot I wanted to avoid the mvc-dispatcher-servlet.xml file. 我正在按照本教程来验证表单,但是由于我使用的是Spring Boot,因此我想避免使用mvc-dispatcher-servlet.xml文件。

So instead of inserting it in the project I wrote a bean in my @Configuration class, obtaining this message: 因此,与其在项目中插入它,不如在我的@Configuration类中编写了一个bean,获得了以下消息:

Field validator in my.package.controller.MyController required a bean of type 'org.springframework.validation.Validator' that could not be found.
- Bean method 'resourceServerProperties' not loaded because @ConditionalOnClass did not find required class 'org.springframework.security.oauth2.common.OAuth2AccessToken'

I have tried both those beans: 我已经尝试了这两种豆:

public Validator validator() {      
    return new org.springframework.validation.beanvalidation.LocalValidatorFactoryBean();

public javax.validation.Validator localValidatorFactoryBean() {
   return new LocalValidatorFactoryBean();

with the same result. 结果相同。 What I'm doing wrong? 我做错了什么?

您可以将OrderValidator指定为实现org.springframework.validation.Validator@Component ,以便可以找到并注入Validator实现。

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