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[英]Cannot clear cached images from LinkedIn sharing dialog box

I have a page using custom sharing links to several different social network websites. 我有一个页面,该页面使用指向几个不同社交网络网站的自定义共享链接。 When the LinkedIn button is clicked and the share prompt opens, the first three images on the page get pulled into its preview box as preview thumbnails. 单击LinkedIn按钮并打开共享提示后,页面上的前三张图像将作为预览缩略图被拉入其预览框中。

One of the latter images are not allowed to be displayed on social networks due to regulatory requirements. 由于法规要求,不允许在社交网络上显示后一种图像。 I found solutions on SO how to prevent that image from being pulled in the first place, which have been implemented. 我已经找到了解决方案,该解决方案是如何首先防止该图像被拉出的。

The problem now is the LinkedIn cache is being super stubborn and even after all the implementations, I can't get the offending preview image removed from the list of 3 thumbs when sharing to LinkedIn. 现在的问题是,LinkedIn缓存非常顽固,即使在所有实现之后,当与LinkedIn共享时,我也无法从3个大拇指的列表中删除有问题的预览图像。 I've tried everything: using multiple og:image tags, making the img into a div background image, placing (off-screen) alternate 350x250 JPGs at the top of the page, changing the og:url link (same domain though), even going so far as to delete the offending image off the server, but the LinkedIn cache is still holding on to that image and there's nothing I can do to get rid of it. 我已经尝试了所有方法:使用多个og:image标签,将img转换为div背景图像,在页面顶部放置(屏幕外)备用350x250 JPG,更改og:url链接(虽然是同一域),甚至可以从服务器上删除有问题的映像,但LinkedIn缓存仍保留该映像,我无能为力。

Any other solutions to force LinkedIn to clear the 3 preview images? 还有其他解决方案可以强制LinkedIn清除3张预览图像吗?

Linkedin cache lasts a week. Linkedin缓存持续一周。 See here, scroll to bottom: https://developer.linkedin.com/docs/share-on-linkedin 看到这里,滚动到底部: https : //developer.linkedin.com/docs/share-on-linkedin

Super frustrating, but them's the facts. 超级令人沮丧,但这是事实。

If you want to show your latest meta information. 如果您想显示最新的元信息。 Simply, you can suffix query params to your URL (I assuming you have no query params in your URL). 简单来说,您可以在URL 后缀查询参数 (假设URL中没有查询参数)。


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