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jQuery AJAX post数据在c#web api控制器中为null

[英]jQuery AJAX post data is null in c# web api controller

I am sending data to a c# web api controller by using the following call. 我使用以下调用将数据发送到c# web api controller

    type: "POST",
    url: "menuApi/menu/Cost",
    data: JSON.stringify(order),
    contentType: "application/json",
    success: function (data) { window.alert('done')},
    dataType: 'json'

The c# controller on server side is like this: 服务器端的c# controller是这样的:

public string Cost([FromBody] string order)
    var sOrder = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<dynamic>(order);

    return "";

The order object in Javascript is a complex object with nested arrays and properties. Javascript中的订单对象是具有嵌套数组和属性的复杂对象。 I am getting data as null. 我将数据作为null。 I am not sure how can I get the order sent through the ajax call. 我不知道如何通过ajax调用发送订单。

Edit: This is my order object 编辑:这是我的订单对象

var order = {
    details: {
        dItem:[{name:"",cost:"", components:[{name:"",quantity:""}]}]

Got it, you need to post the ajax request as form data with empty parameter/form field name like this: 知道了,你需要将ajax请求作为带有空参数/表单字段名称的表单数据发布,如下所示:

    var order = {
        name: "",
        id: "",
        cost: "",
        details: {
            sItem: [{ name: "", cost: "" }],
            dItem: [{ name: "", cost: "", components: [{ name: "", quantity: "" }] }]
        type: "POST",
        url: "api/Values",
        data: {'': JSON.stringify(order)} ,
        success: function (data) { window.alert('done') },            

The model binder's already done it for you, no need for deserializing. 模型绑定器已经为您完成,无需反序列化。 You just need to change parameter type to object or dynamic . 您只需将参数类型更改为objectdynamic Thing left is consideration to remove that redundant processing: 左边是考虑删除冗余处理:

    public string Cost([FromBody] object order)
        var sOrder = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<dynamic>(order.ToString());

        return "";

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