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[英]Unable to authenticate when creating upstream branch using git-svn

I am unable to use git-svn to create a branch on an svn server, using the git svn branch <branchname> command on windows using either git-bash, cygwin or git extensions. 我无法使用git-svn在svn服务器上创建分支,使用git-bash,cygwin或git扩展在Windows上使用git svn branch <branchname>命令。

I would like some guidance/suggestions on how to diagnose and debug this issue. 我想就如何诊断和调试此问题提供一些指导/建议。

The output on git-bash and cygwin: git-bash和cygwin的输出:

$ git svn branch upstream-branch-name
Copying https://***redacted*** at r132578 to https://***redacted***/branches/upstream-branch-name...
Can't create session: Unable to connect to a repository at URL 'https://***redacted***': No more credentials or we tried too many times.
Authentication failed at C:\Program Files\Git\mingw64/libexec/git-core\git-svn line 1199.

For information, I have cygwin, and TortoiseSVN installed as svn providers on my system. 有关信息,我在我的系统上安装了cygwin和TortoiseSVN作为svn提供程序。

EDIT1: Additionally, I am able to do git svn rebase and git svn dcommit without any error EDIT1:另外,我能够做git svn rebasegit svn dcommit没有任何错误

Check first your Git version in your Cygwin environment. 首先在Cygwin环境中检查你的Git版本。
I mentioned here a Git 2.13+ (March 2017) should be more robust when it comes to authentication issue. 在这里提到的Git 2.13 +(2017年3月)在身份验证问题上应该更加强大。

For testing, try (as mentioned here ) to uninstall TortoiseSVN and see if the git svn branch does work then. 为了测试,尝试(如此处所述 )卸载TortoiseSVN并查看git svn branch是否正常工作。

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