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为什么要多次编译运行-Angular Directive

[英]Why compile running multiple times - Angular Directive

In the following snippet, I want to ask that if compile phase runs only once for all the instances of a directive, then why am I seeing console.log("compile") run 5 times? 在下面的代码片段中,我想问一下,如果编译阶段对于指令的所有实例仅运行一次,那么为什么我看到console.log(“ compile”)运行5次? It should have run only once? 它应该只运行一次? Isn't it? 是不是

 //module declaration var app = angular.module('myApp',[]); //controller declaration app.controller('myCtrl',function($scope){ $scope.name = "Joseph"; }); //app declaration app.directive('myStudent',function(){ return{ template: "Hi! Dear!! {{name}}<br/>", compile: function(elem, attr){ console.log("compile"); } } }); 
 <body ng-app="myApp" ng-controller="myCtrl"> <my-student></my-student> <my-student></my-student> <my-student></my-student> <my-student></my-student> <my-student></my-student> <script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/angular.js/1.4.5/angular.min.js"></script> </body> 

HTML compilation happens in three phases: HTML编译分为三个阶段:

  1. $compile traverses the DOM and matches directives. $ compile遍历DOM并匹配指令。

    If the compiler finds that an element matches a directive, then the directive is added to the list of directives that match the DOM element. 如果编译器发现某个元素与指令匹配,则将该指令添加到与DOM元素匹配的指令列表中。 A single element may match multiple directives. 单个元素可以匹配多个指令。

  2. Once all directives matching a DOM element have been identified, the compiler sorts the directives by their priority. 一旦识别出所有与DOM元素匹配的指令,编译器就会按优先级对指令进行排序。

    Each directive's compile functions are executed. 每个指令的编译功能都将执行。 Each compile function has a chance to modify the DOM. 每个编译功能都有机会修改DOM。 Each compile function returns a link function. 每个编译函数都返回一个链接函数。 These functions are composed into a "combined" link function, which invokes each directive's returned link function. 这些函数组成一个“组合”链接函数,该函数调用每个指令的返回链接函数。

  3. $compile links the template with the scope by calling the combined linking function from the previous step. $ compile通过调用上一步中的组合链接函数将模板与作用域链接。 This in turn will call the linking function of the individual directives, registering listeners on the elements and setting up $watchs with the scope as each directive is configured to do. 反过来,这将调用各个指令的链接功能,在元素上注册侦听器,并按照每个指令的配置在作用域内设置$ watchs。

From Angular documentation "What are Directives? At a high level, directives are markers on a DOM element (such as an attribute, element name, comment or CSS class) that tell AngularJS's HTML compiler ($compile) to attach a specified behavior to that DOM element (eg via event listeners), or even to transform the DOM element and its children." 摘自Angular文档“什么是指令?从高层次上讲,指令是DOM元素(例如属性,元素名称,注释或CSS类)上的标记,它们告诉AngularJS的HTML编译器($ compile)将指定的行为附加到该标记上。 DOM元素(例如,通过事件侦听器),甚至可以转换DOM元素及其子元素。”

So when angular compiles the html, it traverse through the mark up and whenever it finds <my-student></my-student> mark up it will try attaching "the specific behaviour". 因此,当angular编译html时,它将遍历标记,并且每当找到<my-student></my-student>标记时,它将尝试附加“特定行为”。 To get the specific behavior it need to compile the directive each time since each instance of directives might have different attributes or parameters. 为了获得特定的行为,每次指令都需要编译指令,因为指令的每个实例可能具有不同的属性或参数。

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