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错误:“对运算符<<(std :: ostream&,Dogs const&)的未定义引用”

[英]Error: “Undefined reference to operator<<(std::ostream&, Dogs const&)”

On C++, I am trying to make a Linked List which would append a whole class. 在C ++上,我试图创建一个可以附加整个类的链表。 However, I am always getting the same error: 但是,我总是得到同样的错误:

Undefined reference to operator<<std::ostream&, Dogs const&)

I have 3 files, 2 headers and 1 CPP. 我有3个文件,2个标题和1个CPP。

This is how the headers look like: 这是标题的样子:

LinkedList.h: LinkedList.h:

// A class template for holding a linked list.
#include <iostream>     // For cout and NULL
using namespace std;

template <class T>
class LinkedList
   // Declare a structure for the list
   struct ListNode
      T value;                // The value in this node
      struct ListNode *next;  // To point to the next node

   ListNode *head;   // List head pointer

   // Constructor
      { head = NULL; }

   // Destructor
   ~LinkedList() {};

   // Linked list operations
   void appendNode(T);
   void displayList() const;

// appendNode appends a node containing the value  *
// pased into newValue, to the end of the list.    *

template <class T>
void LinkedList<T>::appendNode(T newValue)
   ListNode *newNode;  // To point to a new node
   ListNode *nodePtr;  // To move through the list

   // Allocate a new node and store newValue there.
   newNode = new ListNode;
   newNode->value = newValue;
   newNode->next = NULL;

   // If there are no nodes in the list
   // make newNode the first node.
   if (!head)
      head = newNode;
   else  // Otherwise, insert newNode at end.
      // Initialize nodePtr to head of list.
      nodePtr = head;

      // Find the last node in the list.
      while (nodePtr->next)
         nodePtr = nodePtr->next;

      // Insert newNode as the last node.
      nodePtr->next = newNode;

// displayList shows the value                     *
// stored in each node of the linked list          *
// pointed to by head.                             *

template <class T>
void LinkedList<T>::displayList() const
   ListNode *nodePtr;  // To move through the list

   // Position nodePtr at the head of the list.
   nodePtr = head;

   // While nodePtr points to a node, traverse
   // the list.
   while (nodePtr)
      // Display the value in this node.
      cout << nodePtr->value << endl;

      // Move to the next node.
      nodePtr = nodePtr->next;

Dogs.h: Dogs.h:

#ifndef Dogs_H
#define Dogs_H
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

class Dogs;
template <class T>

ostream& operator << (ostream&, const Dogs&);
istream& operator >> (istream&, Dogs&);

class Dogs
    string dgName;
    string dgBreed;
    string dgColour;
    string dgDad;
    string dgMom;

    Dogs(string name ="", string breed ="", string colour ="", string dad ="", string mom ="")
        dgName = name;
        dgBreed = breed;
        dgColour = colour;
        dgDad = dad;
        dgMom = mom;

    friend ostream& operator << (ostream&, const Dogs&);
    friend istream& operator >> (istream&, Dogs&);



I would really appreciate if you could point me out where my problem is. 如果你能指出我的问题所在,我真的很感激。 Thank you in advance. 先感谢您。

Remove the line with the template specification 删除带有模板规范的行

template <class T>
ostream& operator << (ostream&, const Dogs&);

and do not forget to define the operator. 并且不要忘记定义运算符。


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