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[英]Kotlin generates inner class for lambda

In my code, i have something like this: 在我的代码中,我有这样的事情:

override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {

        fabContainer.onClick {

When i decompile the apk and check byteCode, something like this appears: 当我反编译apk并检查byteCode时,出现如下内容:

protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
        Sdk23ListenersKt.onClick((ProgressFloatingActionButton) _$_findCachedViewById(com.prozis.prozisgo.prozisgo.R.id.fabContainer), new ActAuthLogin$onCreate$1(this));

final class ActAuthLogin$onCreate$1 extends Lambda implements Function1<View, Unit> {
    final /* synthetic */ ActAuthLogin this$0;

    ActAuthLogin$onCreate$1(ActAuthLogin actAuthLogin) {
        this.this$0 = actAuthLogin;

    public final void invoke(View it) {
        this.this$0.getPresenter().onLoginButtonClicked(StringsKt__StringsKt.trim(((EditText) this.this$0._$_findCachedViewById(R.id.email)).getText()).toString(), StringsKt__StringsKt.trim(((EditText) this.this$0._$_findCachedViewById(R.id.password)).getText()).toString(), ((CheckBox) this.this$0._$_findCachedViewById(R.id.rememberEmail)).isChecked());

Why is this class created and how can i avoid it? 为什么要创建这个类,我该如何避免它? Is this normal Kotlin byte code, i tought lambdas were resolved to static methods inside the class they were called in. 这是正常的Kotlin字节代码,我认为lambdas被解析为它们被调用的类中的静态方法。

A lambda is compiled to a static method if it doesn't reference anything from the surrounding context. 如果lambda不引用周围上下文中的任何内容,则将其编译为静态方法。

In your example, you're referencing presenter , which is an instance field of the activity class. 在您的示例中,您正在引用presenter ,它是活动类的实例字段。 In order to capture that reference in the onClick handler, it's necessary to create an instance of a new class (in this case, Kotlin captures the reference to the activity class and accesses the presenter through its property). 为了在onClick处理程序中捕获该引用,必须创建一个新类的实例(在这种情况下,Kotlin捕获对activity类的引用并通过其属性访问presenter)。

There is no way to avoid creating an extra class here, either with Kotlin or with plain Java. 无论是使用Kotlin还是使用普通Java,都无法避免在这里创建额外的类。

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