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AWS Cognito用户的子更改在getAuthenticationDetails上

[英]AWS Cognito user's sub changes on getAuthenticationDetails

When my client application calls getAuthenticationDetails on AuthenticationHandler (Java), the user's sub saved on Cognito changes. 当我的客户端应用程序在AuthenticationHandler (Java)上调用getAuthenticationDetails时,保存在Cognito上的用户sub将发生更改。 In many reviews relating AWS sub's usage, they use the sub as their uuid in their databases. 在许多有关AWS sub用途的评论中,他们将sub用作数据库中的uuid。 Why is my sub value changing and how can I solve this? 为什么我的子价值会发生变化,我该如何解决?

Can I get the steps for reproducing this? 我可以获取重现此步骤的步骤吗? Do you mean the sub in the idToken or accessToken? 您是指idToken还是accessToken中的sub? The sub should be as you said, unique to a user and unless the user (with the same username) is deleted and created again, the sub value shouldn't change. 该子项应如您所说,对于用户而言是唯一的,除非删除并重新创建用户(具有相同的用户名),否则该子项值不应更改。

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