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[英]How to perform search operation on two fields with same keyword in hql?

I am not getting the record if any one of the field in data base is null whether the company name or location. 如果数据库中的任何字段为空(无论公司名称还是位置),我都不会得到记录。 Here keyword is what I am entering from the form. keyword是我从表单输入的内容。

This is my query: 这是我的查询:

Query qry=session.createQuery("select distinct company_name from Company_Info where company_name like '%"+keyword+"%' or  locations.city like '%"+keyword+"%'");

Does anybody know how to make this work? 有人知道如何进行这项工作吗?

Since you have to use is null in the HQL, (if there are parameters with null potential.) Use this: 由于您必须在HQL中使用null,因此(如果存在具有潜在电位的参数。)请使用以下命令:

String keywordTerm = keyword==null ? "is null" : "= :keyword";

Query qry=session.createQuery("select distinct company_name from Company_Info where company_name like '%"+keyword+"%' or  locations.city like '%"+keyword+"%'");

    qry.setParameter("keyword", keyword, Hibernate.STRING)

I achieved by using apache lucene search it's worked for me: 我通过使用Apache Lucene搜索获得了成功,对我来说很有效:

FullTextSession fullTextSession = Search.getFullTextSession(session);

QueryBuilder qb = fullTextSession.getSearchFactory()
org.apache.lucene.search.Query query = qb.keyword()

org.hibernate.Query hibQuery = fullTextSession.createFullTextQuery(query, Company_Info.class);

List<Company_Info> result = hibQuery.list();

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