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微软 Visual Studio 2013 加载项安装错误的 sap 网关

[英]sap gateway for microsoft visual studio 2013 add-in install error

i´m currently trying to install the SAP Gateway Add-on for Microsoft Visual Studio 2013 , but I´m getting the following error:我目前正在尝试为 Microsoft Visual Studio 2013安装SAP Gateway Add-on ,但出现以下错误:

Error: Cannot find Microsoft.IdentitiyModel.Clients.ActiveDirectory.dll in Global Assembly Cache错误:在全局程序集缓存中找不到 Microsoft.IdentitiyModel.Clients.ActiveDirectory.dll

I´ve followed the pre-requisites on the sap page: Software Prerequisites我遵循了 sap 页面上的先决条件软件先决条件

I did install the necessary .dlls to the Global Assembly Cache, except for Microsoft.IdentityModel.Clients.ActiveDirectory.WindowsForms.dll .除了Microsoft.IdentityModel.Clients.ActiveDirectory.WindowsForms.dll之外,我确实将必要的 .dll 安装到了全局程序集缓存中。 I can´t find it in the Active Directory Authentication Library package .我在Active Directory 身份验证库包中找不到它。

I´m trying to install it on a system with Windows 10 , but do you think that makes any differences since in the prerequisites it says nothing about Windows 10 supported?我正在尝试将它安装在带有Windows 10的系统上,但是您认为这有什么不同,因为在先决条件中它没有说明支持 Windows 10 吗?

Thank you for your help.感谢您的帮助。

I think you will also have to pay attention to the specific version of the dll.我认为您还必须注意 dll 的特定版本。

The error seems to point out that it is unable to find the dll in your GAC, maybe it's an issue with using the correct version.该错误似乎指出它无法在您的 GAC 中找到 dll,可能是使用正确版本的问题。

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