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[英]Jquery Next previous buttons not stopping when there is no item at end

Fiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/dpD56/4 小提琴: http//jsfiddle.net/dpD56/4

I am adding a Next Previous button in a list to split the list into parts. 我在列表中添加了“下一个上一个”按钮,将列表拆分为多个部分。

Here is the HTML: 这是HTML:

<ul id="test">

<button id="prev" type='button'>prev</button>
<button id="more" type='button'>next</button>

And I am using the following js code to make working Next Previous buttons. 我正在使用以下js代码来使用Next Previous按钮。

Here is JS: 这是JS:

var pageNumber = 1;
$(document).ready(function () {

    $('#prev').click(function () {

    $('#more').click(function () {

    $('#goto').click(function () {
       pageNumber = +$("#page").val();

       if (!pageNumber) {
            pageNumber = 1;   


function showPage(page) {
    var start = (5 * page) - 5;
    var showListItems = $("#test li").splice(start, 5);

    console.log(start, showListItems);

    $("#test li").hide();

This code is working fine for Next & Previous buttons, but Next and Previous buttons are not stopping when there is no more items at end. 此代码适用于“下一个”和“上一个”按钮,但是当最后没有项目时,“下一个”和“上一个”按钮不会停止。

Next button should be disabled or should not working when there is no more item after last item and Previous button should also stop working when there is no previous item or it should be disabled when there is no more items. 当最后一个项目之后没有更多项目时,下一个按钮应该被禁用或者不应该工作;当没有前一个项目时,上一个按钮也应该停止工作,或者当没有更多项目时应该禁用它。

But these buttons are performing their functions even if there is no more items and they are showing blank page with the NEXT PREVIOUS BUTTON. 但是这些按钮正在执行其功能,即使没有更多项目,并且它们显示带有NEXT PREVIOUS BUTTON的空白页面。

Please find a working solution below: 请在下面找到有效的解决方案:

const ITEMS_PER_PAGE = 5;

var pageNumber = 1;
var totalNumberOfPages;

$(document).ready(function () {
    totalNumberOfPages = $("#test").find("li").length;


    $('#prev').click(function () {

    $('#more').click(function () {

    $('#goto').click(function () {
       pageNumber = +$("#page").val();

        if (!pageNumber) {
            pageNumber = 1;   


function showPage(page) {
    var start = (ITEMS_PER_PAGE * page) - ITEMS_PER_PAGE;
    var showListItems = $("#test li").splice(start, ITEMS_PER_PAGE);

    if (start == 0) {
        $("#prev").prop('disabled', true);
    } else {
        $("#prev").prop('disabled', false);

    if (start >= totalNumberOfPages - ITEMS_PER_PAGE) {
        $("#more").prop('disabled', true);
    } else {
        $("#more").prop('disabled', false);

    console.log(start, showListItems);

    $("#test li").hide();

I've added some checks to disable the previous and next buttons when we are on the first and last pages. 当我们在第一页和最后一页时,我添加了一些检查以禁用上一个和下一个按钮。

Besides, since 5 was used many times I moved it into a constant. 此外,由于多次使用5次,我将其移动为常数。 This way, it's much easier to see what is this 5 for and you can change the number of images per page only by changing the value of the constant. 通过这种方式,可以更轻松地查看此5的内容,并且只需更改常量的值即可更改每页的图像数量。


function showPage(page) {
    var start = (ITEMS_PER_PAGE * page) - ITEMS_PER_PAGE;
    var showListItems = $("#test li").splice(start, ITEMS_PER_PAGE);

    if (start == 0) {
        $("#prev").prop('disabled', true);
    } else {
        $("#prev").prop('disabled', false);

    if (start >= totalNumberOfPages - ITEMS_PER_PAGE) {
        $("#prev").prop('disabled', true);
        $("#more").prop('disabled', true);
    } else {
        $("#more").prop('disabled', false);

    console.log(start, showListItems);

    $("#test li").hide();

Or you can just disable the two buttons by putting these two lines into the event handler of the Send button: 或者您可以通过将这两行放入“发送”按钮的事件处理程序来禁用这两个按钮:

        $("#prev").prop('disabled', true);
        $("#more").prop('disabled', true);

Here's your solution: 这是你的解决方案:

Firstly, give an id to the first element of your list: 首先,为列表的第一个元素指定一个id:

<ul id="test">
    <li id="firstLi">1</li>

Then, in the showPage() function, you need to check the size of the showListItems, compare it with the size of $(#test li) and disable the buttons accordingly: 然后,在showPage()函数中,您需要检查showListItems的大小,将其与$(#test li)的大小进行比较并相应地禁用按钮:

function showPage(page) {
    var start = (5 * page) - 5;
    var showListItems = $("#test li").splice(start, 5);

    if(showListItems.length < 5) {
        $('#more').prop('disabled', true);
        $("#test li").hide();
    } else {
        if(showListItems[0].id === 'firstLi') {
            $('#prev').prop('disabled', true);
        if($("#test li").length === (page * 5 )) {
            $('#more').prop('disabled', true);
        $("#test li").hide();
    console.log(start, showListItems);    

Finally, you need to enable the buttons. 最后,您需要启用按钮。 You can do this in different ways, but I chose this way: 你可以用不同的方式做到这一点,但我选择了这种方式:

Enable the prev button when next button is clicked, and vice versa. 单击下一个按钮时启用prev按钮,反之亦然。

$('#prev').click(function () {
    if($('#more').prop('disabled')) {
        $('#more').prop('disabled', false);

$('#more').click(function () {
    if($('#prev').prop('disabled')) {
        $('#prev').prop('disabled', false);

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