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RepositoryRestMvcConfiguration的ObjectMapper与Spring Boot默认的ObjectMapper?

[英]RepositoryRestMvcConfiguration's ObjectMapper vs. Spring Boot default ObjectMapper?

I'm using RepositoryRestMvcConfiguration for fine-tuning of the rest repository behaviour: 我正在使用RepositoryRestMvcConfiguration来微调其余存储库的行为:

public class WebConfig extends RepositoryRestMvcConfiguration {
    protected void configureRepositoryRestConfiguration(RepositoryRestConfiguration config) {

The downside is the extended class brings in its own ObjectMapper bean, causing conficts described here . 缺点是扩展的类带来了自己的ObjectMapper豆,造成描述conficts 这里 The recommended workaround is to use the extending class to mark the ObjectMapper bean as @Primary , however the bean from RepositoryRestMvcConfiguration has different behaviour while serializing nested entities. 推荐的解决方法是使用扩展类将ObjectMapper Bean标记为@Primary ,但是序列化嵌套实体时,来自RepositoryRestMvcConfiguration的Bean具有不同的行为。

Let's assume the following enitites: 让我们假设以下实体:

@Entity class Parent {
    @Id Long id;
    @OneToMany @JsonManagedReference List<Child> children;
    // usual getters and setters for fields...

@Entity class Child {
    @Id Long id;
    @ManyToOne @JsonBackReference Parent parent;
    @ManyToOne @JsonBackReference School school;
    public getSchooldId() { return school.getId(); }
    // usual getters and setters for fields...

@Entity class School {
    @Id Long id;
    @OneToMany @JsonManagedReference List<Child> children;
    // usual getters and setters for fields...

Using the default Spring Boot ObjectMapper gives the expected result (nested entities are rendered): 使用默认的Spring Boot ObjectMapper可以得到预期的结果(呈现嵌套实体):

{"id": 1, "children":[{"id":2, "schoolId":7},{"id":3, "schooldId":8}]}

However the ObjectMapper from RepositoryRestMvcConfiguration ignores the child entities: 但是,来自RepositoryRestMvcConfiguration的ObjectMapper会忽略子实体:

{"id": 1}

What is the correct way of configuring the RepositoryRestMvcConfiguration ObjectMapper to achieve the same behaviour as the Spring Boot default? 配置RepositoryRestMvcConfiguration ObjectMapper以实现与Spring Boot默认设置相同的行为的正确方法是什么?

RepositoryRestMvcConfiguration creates two objectMapper objects. RepositoryRestMvcConfiguration创建两个objectMapper对象。

  1. objectMapper for internal framework use. 供内部框架使用的objectMapper。
  2. halObjectMapper responsible for rendering collection Resources and Links. halObjectMapper负责呈现集合Resources和链接。

You could try to achieve the desired result by autowiring the objectMapper using a qualifier : 您可以尝试通过使用限定符自动装配objectMapper来获得所需的结果:


EDIT: For rendering associations/nested properties 编辑:用于渲染关联/嵌套的属性

Spring data-rest does not render by default associations( reference ) because they are available under the HATEOAS Specification(the _link part of your json). Spring data-rest默认情况下不呈现关联( reference ),因为它们在HATEOAS规范(json的_link部分)下可用。 If you want to render associations you just need to use Projections . 如果要渲染关联,则只需要使用Projections即可

This Person has several attributes:id is the primary key, firstName and lastName are data attributes,address is a link to another domain object 此Person具有几个属性:id是主键,firstName和lastName是数据属性,address是到另一个域对象的链接

public class Person {

  @Id @GeneratedValue
  private Long id;
  private String firstName, lastName;

  private Address address;

Will be rendered: 将呈现:

  "firstName" : "Frodo",
  "lastName" : "Baggins",
  "_links" : {
    "self" : {
      "href" : "http://localhost:8080/persons/1"
    "address" : {
      "href" : "http://localhost:8080/persons/1/address"

By default, Spring Data REST will export this domain object including all of its attributes. 默认情况下,Spring Data REST将导出此域对象,包括其所有属性。 firstName and lastName will be exported as the plain data objects that they are. firstName和lastName将作为原始数据对象导出。 There are two options regarding the address attribute. 关于地址属性有两个选项。 One option is to also define a repository for Address. 一种选择是还定义地址的存储库。

There is another route. 还有另一条路线。 If the Address domain object does not have it's own repository definition, Spring Data REST will inline the data fields right inside the Person resource. 如果Address域对象没有其自己的存储库定义,则Spring Data REST将在Person资源内部内联数据字段。

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