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Javascript Promise返回值

[英]Javascript Promise return value

I am trying to make a crawler, and as the data is not showing in the page source, I can only execute the javascript with the web driver and get the response, and then do the data analysis. 我正在尝试制作搜寻器,并且由于数据未显示在页面源中,所以我只能使用Web驱动程序执行javascript并获取响应,然后进行数据分析。 The script is simplified, like this, use Promise. 脚本被简化,像这样,使用Promise。

var res = ""

function f1() {
    p = window.Promise
    a = p.resolve(5).then(function(value) {
        res = value
        return res
    return a
console.log(f1()) // Promise object
console.log("result = ", res) // res is empty

My program is like this, writing with c#: 我的程序就是这样,用c#编写:

 public void GetParameters(string url)
            IWebDriver driver = new ChromeDriver();
            IJavaScriptExecutor js = driver as IJavaScriptExecutor;
            string script = readFile(@"C:\myscript.js", Encoding.UTF8).TrimEnd(); // The script is a bit long, so I save it to a local file.
            var json = js.ExecuteScript(script);
            Console.WriteLine("Get the return value");

I want to get the value, and I know then always return Promise object, so I define a variable, and want to store the value to it. 我想要得到的价值,我知道then总是返回无极对象,所以我定义一个变量,并希望将值存储到它。 But seems that, the Promise is executed asynchronous, so the res always be empty. 但是似乎Promise是异步执行的,因此res始终为空。

OK, I'm writing a crawler, and use Selenium to get the response from the server (Selenium.webdriver can open a web browser, and then execute script), I need get the result, as it will use by another program. 好的,我正在编写一个搜寻器,并使用Selenium从服务器获取响应(Selenium.webdriver可以打开Web浏览器,然后执行脚本),我需要获取结果,因为它将被另一个程序使用。 So, I can not just add another .then, just output the value. 因此,我不能只添加另一个.the,而只需输出值。 Maybe I can save to a local file, and then read it, but I think it is inefficient. 也许我可以将其保存到本地文件,然后读取它,但是我认为它效率低下。

Anyone can help? 有人可以帮忙吗?

When you try to log the global res , the result hasn't been computed yet. 当您尝试记录全局res ,尚未计算结果。 When using Promises, you have to get the result asynchronously, using .then , like this: 使用Promises时,必须使用.then异步获取结果,如下所示:

f1().then(res => console.log("result =", res));


f1().then(res => console.log('result=', res)).

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