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[英]Correctly creating an antd Form using the extends React.Component mechanism

I am trying to reproduce the antd Form example in https://github.com/ant-design/ant-design/blob/master/components/form/demo/horizontal-login.md 我试图在https://github.com/ant-design/ant-design/blob/master/components/form/demo/horizo​​ntal-login.md中重现antd Form示例

Replacing React.createClass with extends React.Component but I am getting a Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'getFieldDecorator' of undefined 用扩展React.Component替换React.createClass但是我得到一个Uncaught TypeError:无法读取未定义的属性'getFieldDecorator'

with the following code: 使用以下代码:

import { Form, Icon, Input, Button } from 'antd';
const FormItem = Form.Item;

export default class HorizontalLoginForm extends React.Component {
    constructor(props) {

  handleSubmit(e) {
    this.props.form.validateFields((err, values) => {
      if (!err) {
        console.log('Received values of form: ', values);
  render() {
    const { getFieldDecorator } = this.props.form;
    return (
      <Form inline onSubmit={this.handleSubmit}>
          {getFieldDecorator('userName', {
            rules: [{ required: true, message: 'Please input your username!' }],
            <Input addonBefore={<Icon type="user" />} placeholder="Username" />
          {getFieldDecorator('password', {
            rules: [{ required: true, message: 'Please input your Password!' }],
            <Input addonBefore={<Icon type="lock" />} type="password" placeholder="Password" />
          <Button type="primary" htmlType="submit">Log in</Button>

Looks like the missing Form.create part is causing the issue, but don't know where it fits using the extends mechanism. 看起来缺少Form.create部分导致问题,但不知道它使用扩展机制适合哪里。

How can I properly do it ? 我该怎么做呢?

@vladimirimp is on the right track, but there are 2 issues with the chosen answer. @vladimirimp走在正确的轨道上,但所选答案有2个问题。

  1. Higher-Order Components (such as Form.create() ) should not be called in the render method. 不应在render方法中调用高阶组件(如Form.create() )。
  2. JSX requires user-defined component names (such as myHorizontalLoginForm ) to start with capital letters. JSX要求用户定义的组件名称(例如myHorizontalLoginForm )以大写字母开头。

To fix this, we just need to change our default export of HorizontalLoginForm : 要解决这个问题,我们只需要更改HorizontalLoginForm的默认导出:

class HorizontalLoginForm extends React.Component { /* ... */ }

export default Form.create()(HorizontalLoginForm);

Then we can use HorizontalLoginForm directly without needing to set it to a new variable. 然后我们可以直接使用HorizontalLoginForm而无需将其设置为新变量。 (but if you did set it to a new variable, you would want to name that variable MyHorizontalLoginForm or anything else that starts with a capital letter). (但如果您确实将其设置为新变量,则需要将该变量MyHorizontalLoginForm或以大写字母开头的任何其他内容)。

When you wish to include your form class in parent component you must first create form, for example in parent components render method: 当您希望在父组件中包含表单类时,必须首先创建表单,例如在父组件渲染方法中:


    render() {

        const myHorizontalLoginForm = Form.create()(HorizontalLoginForm);
          return (
          <myHorizontalLoginForm />

Be sure to import your HorizontalLoginForm class in the parent class. 请务必在父类中导入Horizo​​ntalLoginForm类。

You can study official example: https://ant.design/components/form/#components-form-demo-advanced-search 您可以学习官方示例: https//ant.design/components/form/#components-form-demo-advanced-search

@vladimirp it is not good to call Form.create in render. @vladimirp在渲染中调用Form.create是不好的。

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