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[英]How do i solve error “cannot find module 'jquery'” in my Typescript build

I currently have this at the top of my "ts" files import $ = require("jquery"); 我目前在我的“ ts”文件的顶部有这个。import import $ = require("jquery"); I am doing this because I am trying to use jquery in my typescript files, but i cant seem to get it to compile because it returns the error stated in the title. 我这样做是因为我试图在我的打字稿文件中使用jquery,但是我似乎无法使其编译,因为它返回标题中所述的错误。 I am using ASP.NET CORE 我正在使用ASP.NET CORE

Script Folders 脚本文件夹


tsonfig.json tsonfig.json

    "compilerOptions": {
        "noImplicitAny": true,
        "noEmitOnError": true,
        "sourceMap": true,
        "experimentalDecorators": true,
        "emitDecoratorMetadata": true,
        "target": "es5",
        "module": "umd"
    "files": [
    "compileOnSave": true

main.ts 主要

    baseUrl: "wwwroot/js/lib",

    paths: {
        jquery: "jquery-3.1.1"

require(["jquery", "DataTable", "DataTableSetting"],
    ($: JQueryStatic, datatable: DataTables.DataTable, dataTableSetting: any) => {


    <script data-main="~/js/lib/main" src="~/js/lib/require.js"></script>

Console Error 控制台错误

    at makeError (require.js:5)
    at HTMLScriptElement.onScriptError (require.js:5)

TS file TS文件

import $ = require("jquery");
import DataTables = require("./DataTableSetting");

 export class Player {

        private playerTable: HTMLTableElement;

        constructor(playerTable: HTMLTableElement) {
            this.playerTable = playerTable;

        initDatatable(playerTable: HTMLTableElement) {

        private wireEvents(playerTable: HTMLTableElement): void {
            const btnsUpdatePlayer = playerTable.querySelectorAll(".btnUpdatePlayer");

                (btn: HTMLButtonElement) => {
                    btn.addEventListener("click", (e : Event)=> {
                    }, false);

window.onload = () => {
    var $dtPlayerTable = document.getElementById("tblPlayer");
    var playerTable: HTMLTableElement = <HTMLTableElement>$dtPlayerTable;
    const player = new Player(playerTable);

TypeScript has two kinds of modules: TypeScript具有两种模块:

  1. Implicitly defined as files on disk. 隐式定义为磁盘上的文件。
  2. Explicitly defined by you, the coder, by saying "Even though this module is not a file on the disk, I guarantee that it exists, and here are types that it contains". 编码器由您明确定义,方法是说“即使该模块不是磁盘上的文件,我也保证它存在,并且这里包含它的类型”。

In your code, the "./DataTableSetting" module is of the first kind, and the "jquery" module is of the second kind. 在您的代码中, "./DataTableSetting"模块是第一种,而"jquery"模块是第二种。 TypeScript can verify that the DataTableSetting module exists by looking at the file system and discovering the file sitting there. TypeScript可以通过查看文件系统并发现其中的文件来验证DataTableSetting模块是否存在。

But for jquery , TypeScript cannot find a file on disk. 但是对于jquery ,TypeScript无法在磁盘上找到文件。 So it needs a little help from you. 因此需要您的一些帮助。 It needs you to tell it: " Don't worry, TypeScript, that you can't find the file. I will make sure that this module actually exists when needed, and here are the types that it will contain ". 它需要您告诉它:“ 不用担心,TypeScript,您找不到文件。我将确保此模块在需要时确实存在,并且这里将包含该类型 ”。

The way you tell TypeScript that a module exists, even though it's not on disk, is by declaring it explicitly, like this: 告诉TypeScript模块存在的方法(即使它不在磁盘上)是通过显式声明的,如下所示:

declare module "jquery" 
    class JQueryStatic 

This declaration is what the file jquery.d.ts contains. 此声明是文件jquery.d.ts包含的内容。 So you don't actually need to write this declaration yourself. 因此,您实际上不需要自己编写此声明。

However, here is the question: how does the TypeScript compiler know where to look for this declaration? 但是,这里有一个问题: TypeScript编译器如何知道在哪里寻找该声明?

There are actually two ways to indicate where your declaration is located. 实际上有两种方法可以指示声明的位置。

First , you can include a /// <reference> directive at the top of player-page.ts , like this: 首先 ,您可以在player-page.ts顶部包含/// <reference>指令,如下所示:

/// <reference path="../DefinitelyTyped/jquery.d.ts" />

This will effectively "include" the contents of jquery.d.ts in the body of player-page.ts , thus making this declaration of module "jquery" visible to the code. 这将有效地“包括”内容jquery.d.ts在体内player-page.ts ,从而使模块的这一声明"jquery"到代码可见。

Second , you could use tsconfig.json to specify where to look for type definitions, by specifying compilerOptions/typeRoots : 其次 ,您可以使用tsconfig.json通过指定tsconfig.json来指定查找类型定义的compilerOptions/typeRoots

   "compilerOptions": {
       "typeRoots" : ["wwwroot/js/DefinitelyTyped"],

See full reference on tsconfig.json for more information . 有关更多信息,请参见tsconfig.json完整参考

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