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[英]Submit a dynamically created table in a form

I have a dynamically created table inside a form_for . 我在form_for有一个动态创建的表。 The table consists of an input field in each row. 该表在每一行中都包含一个输入字段。 The number of rows inside the table is not constant (and hence the table is created dynamically). 表内的行数不是恒定的(因此表是动态创建的)。

How do I submit all the fields inside the table and route it to a controller action? 如何提交表中的所有字段并将其路由到控制器操作?

You can customize where send your data with url param in form_for helper. 您可以在form_for helper中自定义使用url参数将数据发送到的位置。

<%= form_for @article, url: {action: "create"} do |f| %>

Submit button will send all your rows at method "create" of ArticlesController 提交按钮将在ArticlesController的“创建”方法中发送所有行

form_for(@article, url: my_custompath_articles_path)

your data will be transmitted where declared by my_custompath_articles_path in 您的数据将在my_custompath_articles_path


resources :articles do
  collection do
    post my_custompath



def my_custompath
  ... your code

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I hope this can hep you. 我希望这可以帮助您。

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