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[英]Sort JSON array on Jekyll

I'm working on a Jekyll project and have tools.json in the _data folder. 我工作的一个化身项目,并tools.json_data文件夹中。 The JSON file is formatted like so: JSON文件的格式如下:

"tools": [
        "title": "DER tool",
        "url": "https://der.us/",
        "sticky": "false"
        "title": "ZXY tool",
        "url": "https://zxy.us/",
        "sticky": "false"
        "title": "ABC tools",
        "url": "https://abc.us/",
        "sticky": "false"
        "title": "RSW tools",
        "url": "https://rsw.us/",
        "sticky": "true"

I want to sort the items alphabetically, but if sticky: true it should be on the top. 我想按字母顺序对项目进行排序,但如果有sticky: true则应位于顶部。 Ideally the output should be like: 理想情况下,输出应为:

<li>RSW tool</li>
<li>ABC tool</li>
<li>DER tool</li>
<li>ZXY tool</li>

You can sort the sticky and non-sticky items separately. 您可以分别对粘性和非粘性项目进行排序。

{% assign sticky_tools = site.data.tools.tools | where: 'sticky', true | sort: 'title' %}
{% assign tools = site.data.tools.tools | where: 'sticky', false | sort: 'title' %}

    {% for t in sticky_tools %}
    <li>{{ t.title }}</li>
    {% endfor %}

    {% for t in tools %}
    <li>{{ t.title }}</li>
    {% endfor %}

As an aside, if you have tools.json containing just the array at the root (wthout the "tools" key), you can access it with site.data.tools instead of site.data.tools.tools . 顺便说一句,如果您的tools.json仅在根目录包含数组(没有“ tools”键),则可以使用site.data.tools而不是site.data.tools.tools

You can do successive sorting. 您可以进行连续排序。

{% assign sortedByTitleTools = site.data.tools.tools | sort: "title" | reverse %}
{% assign sortedByStickyTools = sortedByTitleTools | sort: "sticky" | reverse %}
{% for t in sortedByStickyTools %}
  <li>{{ t.title }}</li>
{% endfor %}

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