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[英]how to change Code Generation Strategy in VS2015?

I am using VS2015 and running into following error, dont see any such property as Code Generation Strategy in my property window as shown in screen shot,how can I find this propery? 我正在使用VS2015并遇到以下错误,如屏幕截图所示,在我的属性窗口中没有看到任何Code Generation Strategy的属性,如何找到此属性?

// T4 code generation is enabled for model 'C:\Users\username\documents\visual studio 2015\Projects\EFdemo\EFdemo\EmployeeModel.edmx'. 
// To enable legacy code generation, change the value of the 'Code Generation Strategy' designer
// property to 'Legacy ObjectContext'. This property is available in the Properties Window when the model
// is open in the designer


  1. Open your designer (xxxxx.edmx) 打开设计器(xxxxx.edmx)
  2. Click on the background of the designer 点击设计师的背景
  3. See the Properties windows. 请参阅属性窗口。 You will find it here 你会在这里找到它


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