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[英]Extract one number from string in bash

I have this string: 我有这个字符串:

1024.00 MB transferred (912.48 MB/sec)

and I need to get only the number 912.48 and transform it in 912,48 with a bash script. 我只需要获取数字912.48并使用bash脚本将其转换为912,48 I tried to do sed 's/[^0-9.]*//g' but in this way i get 1024.00 912.18 . 我试图做sed 's/[^0-9.]*//g'但是这样我得到了1024.00 912.18 How can I do it? 我该怎么做?

So far, every answer here is using external tools ( sed , awk , grep , tr , etc) rather than sticking to native bash functionality. 到目前为止,这里的每个答案都是使用外部工具( sedawkgreptr等),而不是坚持使用本机bash功能。 Since spinning up external processes has a significant constant-time performance impact, it's generally undesirable when only processing a single line of content (for long streams of content, an external tool will often be more efficient). 由于拆分外部流程会严重影响恒定时间的性能,因此,仅处理一行内容时(对于较长的内容流,外部工具通常会更有效)通常是不希望的。

This one uses built-ins only: 这仅使用内置功能:

# one-time setup: set the regex
re='[(]([0-9.]+) MB/sec[)]'
string='1024.00 MB transferred (912.48 MB/sec)'

if [[ $string =~ $re ]]; then  # run enclosed code only if regex matches
  val=${BASH_REMATCH[1]}       # refer to first (and only) match group
  val_with_comma=${val//./,}   # replace "." with "," in that group
  echo "${val_with_comma}"     # ...and emit our output

...yielding: ...收益:



$ sed -r 's/.*\(([0-9.]+).*/\1/;s/\./,/'
echo "1024.00 MB transferred (912.48 MB/sec)" | cut -f2 -d'(' | cut -f1 -d' ' | sed 's/\./,/'

A combination of awk and sed : awksed组合:

str='1024.00 MB transferred (912.48 MB/sec)'
echo "$str" | awk '{print $4}' | sed 's/(//;s/\./,/'


Or entirely with awk : 或完全使用awk

echo "$str" | awk '{sub("[(]","");sub("[.]",",");print $4}'

echo "1024.00 MB transferred (912.48 MB/sec)" | cut -d " " -f4 | tr "." "," | tr -d "("

Another of the near-infinite possibilities: 另一个几乎无限的可能性:

read x y < <(tr -dc '[0-9. ]' <<< "1024.00 MB transferred (912.48 MB/sec)")
echo ${y}

or 要么

grep -oP '(?<=\()[\d.]+' <<< "1024.00 MB transferred (912.48 MB/sec)"

Here is an awk to get the job done: 这是完成工作的awk

s='1024.00 MB transferred (912.48 MB/sec)'
awk -F '[() ]+' '{sub(/\./, ",", $4); print $4}' <<< "$s"


wow, so many answers :) 哇,这么多答案:)

here's mine, should be pretty fast: 这是我的,应该很快:

grep -o '([^ ]\+' | tail -c+2 | tr '.' ','

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