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[英]In Ansible, how can I combine a default dictionary in a role with a dictionary passed to that role as an argument?

Ansible中 ,如何角色中的默认字典与作为参数传递给该角色的字典结合在一起

As a solution by example, consider role nginx-reverse-proxy : 作为示例解决方案,请考虑角色nginx-reverse-proxy

nginx-reverse-proxy/defaults/main.yml : nginx-反向代理/默认值/ main.yml

  application_context: /{{ application_name }}-{{ application_component_name }}
    port: 8080

nginx-reverse-proxy/templates/reverse-proxy.conf : nginx-reverse-proxy / templates / reverse-proxy.conf

{% set combined_nginx = default_nginx | combine(nginx, recursive=true) -%}
location {{ combined_nginx.application_context }} {
        proxy_pass http://localhost:{{ combined_nginx.reverse_proxy.port }};
        proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Host $host;
        proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Server $host;
        proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;

my-nginx-reverse-proxy-meta/main.yml : my-nginx-反向代理-meta / main.yml

  - selfcertification-service
  - role: nginx-reverse-proxy
    nginx: { reverse_proxy: { port: 8095 } }

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