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[英]Unix and Signal Handlers (C)

I'm a student and I am trying to understand signals within a course about Unix programming. 我是一名学生,我正在尝试了解有关Unix编程的课程中的信号。

To start, I wanted to test a simple example: a process makes a child and needs a confirmation of the actual creation. 首先,我想测试一个简单的示例:一个过程产生了一个孩子,需要确认实际的创建。 I fork, and within the child I send a SIGUSR1 to the father with kill(getppid(), SIGUSR1); 我分叉,并在孩子中使用kill(getppid(),SIGUSR1)将SIGUSR1发送给父亲。 Then, within the father, I wrote a pause(); 然后,在父亲里面,我写了一个pause(); sys call to block the process until a signal is received, and then I wrote the (sigaction(SIGUSR1, &sa, NULL) check. sys调用将阻止该过程,直到收到信号为止,然后我编写了(sigaction(SIGUSR1,&sa,NULL)检查。

Problem is, the signal is sent and the program stops, with no handler execution. 问题是,没有处理程序执行,就发送了信号,程序停止了。

I compile it with 我用它编译

$gcc -Wall -o test test.c

I get no warnings, and the output is 我没有警告,输出是

$I am the father
$I am the child
$User defined signal 1

I know I could do this in other ways (with sleep sys call, etc.), but I just want to understand why this code doesn't work. 我知道我可以通过其他方式(使用sleep sys调用等)来执行此操作,但是我只是想了解为什么此代码无法正常工作。

#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <signal.h>

void new_child (int sig){
    write(1,"I made a new child\n",50);

int main(){
    pid_t child;
    struct sigaction sa;            
    sa.sa_flags = 0;
    sa.sa_handler = new_child;
    switch(child = fork()){
        case -1:
        case 0:
            printf("I am the child\n");
            kill(getppid(), SIGUSR1);
            printf("I am the father\n");
            if (sigaction(SIGUSR1, &sa, NULL) == -1){
                printf("Signal error.\n");
            printf("I'm done.");
            kill (child, SIGKILL);

I know this question has already been asked, but I cannot seem to find a solution that works in my case. 我知道已经问过这个问题,但是我似乎找不到适合我的解决方案。

You must change the signal at the beginning of the code so that it can execute as soon as SIGUSR is received – Anjaneyulu 您必须在代码的开头更改信号,以便在收到SIGUSR后立即执行– Anjaneyulu

" You must change the signal at the beginning of the code ... " this restriction is a bit tight. 您必须在代码的开头更改信号... ”此限制有点严格。 The signal handler needs to be install latest just before calling fork() . 信号处理程序需要在调用fork()之前最新安装。 – alk – alk

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